Grading Policy

Students will be awarded letter grades for all coursework as follows:

Grade Point Average (GPA)

A student's grade points are determined by multiplying the credit hours of individual courses completed by the grade received in those individual courses and adding up those totals. The grade points are then divided by the total credits hours completed to yield the grade point average. If a class is repeated, the best grade is used in the GPA calculation. Prior to the Summer 2002 Semester, the "most recent grade" was used in the GPA calculation for repeated classes.

A -----Excellent----- 4.0   C -----Average----- 2.0
A- ----------------------- 3.7   C- ----------------------- 1.7
B+ ----------------------- 3.3   D+ ----------------------- 1.3
B -----Good------ 3.0   D ----------------------- 1.0
B- ----------------------- 2.7   F -----Failure----- 0.0
C+ ----------------------- 2.3        


  • AU • Audit | A student may register for a course without credit. This election must be made at the time of registration or schedule adjustment. Grades of "AU" do not satisfy prerequisites and are not transferable. This grade is not used in the calculation of GPA.

  • CP • Continuing Progress | A mark designated for selective use for students enrolled in designated courses who have attended class regularly and made reasonable effort toward progress but have not demonstrated a passing level of proficiency. The "CP" will remain on the transcript indefinitely. Upon re-enrollment and completion, the letter grade issued will be used for purposes of figuring the grade point average.

  • I • Incomplete |This faculty initiated mark will be used sparingly and only when an emergency prevents a student from completing course work during the regular College session. The student is responsible for completing a written agreement with the instructor detailing the requirements to be met for the completion of the "I" before it is assigned. The student is not to register for a course in which he or she has a current mark of "I". Without prior faculty-initiated action to change the "I", this mark will become a "WS" one year subsequent to its original issue. Marks of "I" do not satisfy prerequisites and are not transferable. This mark is not used in the calculation of GPA, but it may affect the eligibility for financial aid.

  • N • Non-Attendant |This mark may be awarded immediately after the Census Date to students who never attended class and did not officially drop. Oakland Community College is adopting the Federal policy language for students receiving federal financial aid, which is:
    • For synchronous classes (whether on-site or online), "attendance" is determined by attendance in a class, lecture, field activity, recitation, or laboratory activity.
    • For online asynchronous classes, "attendance" is determined by submission of gradable work.

Marks of "N" do not satisfy prerequisites and are non-transferable. This mark is not used in the calculation of GPA, but it may affect eligibility for financial aid. Instructors confirm non-attendance immediately after the Census Date (found on the Section Deadline Dates website for each section) and then report non-attendance to the institution. Students who have received an "N" mark will not be permitted to enter the class, nor will the student be able to drop the class. After the "N" mark has been received, a change of grade will not be accepted for the student.

  • NR • Not-Reported | Grade was not reported or submitted.

  • W • Student-Initiated Withdrawal |This mark is awarded to students who initiate the process to officially drop the course during the time specified for the academic period. Marks of "W" do not satisfy prerequisites and are not transferable. This mark is not used in the calculation of GPA, but it may affect the eligibility for financial aid.

  • WS • Withdrawal - Stopped Attending |This faculty-initiated mark is awarded at the instructor's discretion when a student stops attending the class or (for online and hybrid classes) stops submitting work but never officially drops. Marks of "WS" do not satisfy prerequisites and are not transferable. This mark is not used in the calculation of GPA, but it may affect eligibility for financial aid.


All grade reports will be available online on the third business day following the end of the semester.  Grades not available at that time will be posted as soon as received by the Office of the Registrar from the faculty. Students needing paper copies of the academic record for the recent semester may request the document from MyOCC/Online Services or Enrollment Services. As part of the security and data integrity program, these documents can only be mailed to the address on record with the College.

Honors | At the end of each fall and winter semester a Dean’s List will be produced naming those students who, during the respective semester, earned a 3.5 GPA or higher for a load of at least 6 credits hours at the time that the College calculates GPA's for that semester. Students eligible for inclusion on the dean’s list will be notified by mail approximately one month from the end of the semester.

Grade Appeal Policy | A grade appeal must be made within six months from the date the original grade is formally issued. The steps to appeal are found in the Student Handbook under Academic Appeals Policy.

Change of Grade Policy | A grade appeal must be made within six months from the date the original grade is formally issued. The steps to appeal are found in the Student Handbook under Academic Appeals Policy.

Attendance Policy | Students are expected to attend all class meetings. The syllabus for each course sets forth the instructor's attendance policy. Students cannot attend classes for which they are not registered.

Acceptance of Transfer Credit | Undergraduate course credit completed with a 2.00 or higher grade at an institution of higher education accredited by one of the eight regional institutional accrediting bodies recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) will be accepted as transfer credit at Oakland Community College. The college at which the credit was earned must have been accredited at the time the courses were completed for credit. 

Readmitted students will be subject to current catalog requirements with regard to active programs. Additionally, readmitted students may find that certain previously approved credit from non-accredited institutions may not be continued. 

Oakland Community College will also consider the acceptance of course credit from an accredited national, or professional body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) as listed in the Directory of the American Council on Education (ACE). This consideration will extend to Armed Services programs and certain business and industry programs and certificates listed in the ACE Directory. Other credit may be considered. The College Registrar makes the final determination of acceptance.

Only official transcripts can be accepted for the evaluation of transfer credit. OCC considers a transcript official only if it bears the seal and signature of the prime record-keeper and is sent directly from the previous institution to the OCC Office of Enrollment Services. The mailing address is

Oakland Community College
Transcript Evaluation
Auburn Hills Campus
Building K
2900 Featherstone Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2845

Students should also have declared a degree or certificate program of study at OCC before having transcripts sent. Transcripts should be received at OCC at least one month prior to Final Registration to ensure transfer credit availability for use in registration advising. Students with any questions about the transferability of prior course work should consult with a counselor before registering. The OCC transcript does not list individual courses accepted from other institutions but rather summarizes the amount of credit earned from that institution. Transfer credit does not influence the OCC grade point average. Courses that are not directly equivalent to Oakland Community College courses may be accepted as elective credits to apply against requirements of a particular program. 

OCC does not accept transfer credits to replace required technical courses for the Associate of Applied Science Degree. Exceptions are granted only by consent of the appropriate technical program faculty.

Academic Sanction | A student is in Good Standing when that student has:

  • Most recent semester grade point average (SGPA) of 2.0 or higher and 
  • Cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0 or higher

Maintaining these standards makes a student eligible for an academic degree or certificate.

In an effort to promote student success, the College has developed a program of academic sanctions which shall be triggered when the semester GPA of a student falls below 2.0.

  • Upon the first such semester following a semester clear of any academic sanction, the College will issue an Academic Warning to the student, advising that greater care should be exercised to prevent a recurrence.   
  • In the event that this condition continues for a second consecutive semester, the student will be issued another Academic Warning if the cumulative GPA is above 2.0. However, if that following consecutive semester's semester GPA continues below 2.0 and the cumulative GPA is now also below 2.0, the student will be placed on Academic Intervention. The student on Academic Intervention will be required to meet with a counselor and may then be asked to limit the total number of hours carried during the semester. The counselor may also ask that the student observe other restrictions appropriate to his or her academic profile.   
  • If the student's semester GPA is found to be below 2.0 for a third consecutive semester, the College will review that student's academic record. If this review reveals that the cumulative GPA is above 2.0, the student will be continued on Academic Intervention status with any restrictions deemed appropriate by a College counselor.

If the examination reveals that both the semester and cumulative GPA's are below 2.0, the student will be suspended for one calendar year. During this time away from the College, the student is asked to reflect on this condition and determine if the pursuit of an academic credential is proper at this time. Before returning from this suspension, the student will be required to see a College counselor. 

If the student returns to the College after the period of Academic Suspension, he or she will be attending under the continued standing of Academic Return with any restrictions which may have been prescribed. If, at the end of this first semester in which the student returned, the CGPA is still less than 2.0 but the SGPA is above 2.0, the student will be continued on Academic Return semester by semester until the CGPA is 2.0 or higher. However, at the first semester that both the CGPA and the SGPA are again below 2.0, the student will be returned to Academic Suspension status.

Contact Information

For General Questions Contact:

Phone: (248) 341-2260
 Enrollment Services


Auburn Hills Campus
Building B, Room 238

Highland Lakes Campus
Building WH, Room 263

Orchard Ridge Campus
Building M, Room 212

Royal Oak Campus 
Building B, Room 120A

Southfield Campus
Building A, Room 206

Service Hours

  • Monday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm (Onsite & Virtual Services)
  • Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:30am - 5pm (Onsite & Virtual Services) 
    • 5:00 - 7:00pm (Virtual)
  • Saturday (see dates below): 8:30am - 12:30pm (Virtual Services Only)
    • First two Saturdays in January
    • Entire months of July, August & December