Verification of Records

The Enrollment Services Office located at every OCC campus is available to assist you with all issues related to your academic file. The office is also responsible for changes to a student’s file, special refunds, and verification and release of student records information.


Oakland Community College is bound by the tenets of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, which established the protection and privacy of student educational records.

Under the law, the College may disclose student information for educational verification to third parties* if we receive:

  • A release form that provides written consent from the student and specifies an educational institution
  • The items requested for verification from our records
  • The name of the third-party organization and, if applicable, contact name
  • The address or fax number of the recipient, depending on how you want the information sent

Email request to with "Education Verification" in the Subject line.

Allow three business days for processing.

* Third party is described as an individual (other than the student), agency, institution, or organization.

Contact Information

For General Questions Contact:

Phone: (248) 341-2260
 Enrollment Services


Auburn Hills Campus
Building B, Room 238

Highland Lakes Campus
Building WH, Room 263

Orchard Ridge Campus
Building M, Room 212

Royal Oak Campus 
Building B, Room 120A

Southfield Campus
Building A, Room 206

Service Hours

  • Monday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm (Onsite & Virtual Services)
  • Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:30am - 5pm (Onsite & Virtual Services) 
    • 5:00 - 7:00pm (Virtual)
  • Saturday (see dates below): 8:30am - 12:30pm (Virtual Services Only)
    • First two Saturdays in January
    • Entire months of July, August & December