Accommodations & Disability Services (ACCESS)

Accommodations & Disability Services (ACCESS)

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or a Mental Health Crises, please immediately call the Oakland County Crisis Center at (248) 231-1127.

ACCESS Disability Support Services

If you have a documented disability, Oakland Community College Accessibility Compliance Center & Education Support Services (ACCESS) is here to help you succeed in your classes. We provide these accommodations and more: 

  • Accessible course materials
  • Assistive technology (AT)
  • Notetaking
  • Sign language interpretation
  • Testing accommodations

New Student Request: Start on Accommodate 

Once you are enrolled at OCC (i.e., you’ve registered for classes), you can begin the process. Accommodate is our platform for managing accommodation requests.  

If you are a new student at OCC, follow these steps: 

  1. Register for classes – You must do this before requesting services.
  2. Create an Accommodate account – You must complete the Accommodate request form before meeting with an ACCESS counselor.
  3. Submit documentation – You must submit all required documentation that aligns with the ACCESS Disability Documentation Requirements before you can be reviewed for accommodations by a counselor.
  4. Meet with an ACCESS counselor – Look for an email or phone call from us to schedule this required appointment. 

Request ACCESS Services

Returning Student Request 

Even if you already receive accommodations at OCC, you must submit a Semester Review Request in Accommodate to continue receiving your accommodations. 

Important: Every semester you must submit a request. 

Renew ACCESS Services

Prospective Students: Help for Getting Started 

If you are not yet admitted to OCC, still in high school, or have questions about completing your Accommodate account, schedule an appointment with an ACCESS counselor to learn more about our processes and requirements. 

Before scheduling an appointment, review the following: 

If you plan to enter OCC directly from high school, review High School vs. College Accommodations

If you need interpreting or captioning services for your meeting with an ACCESS Coordinator, request these services by emailing an ACCESS office at least two working days in advance. 

If you have a hearing impairment, use Michigan Relay at (800) 648-3777 to communicate with ACCESS and other OCC departments.   

Compare High School to College 

Did you know megaphone

Request a Temporary Accommodation

If you have an injury such as a broken limb, concussion, or surgery recovery, you can request short-term services through ACCESS. Follow the ACCESS Disability Documentation Requirements to make a request. Most temporary accommodations are for one semester.

Students Rights & Responsibilities 

Classroom Accommodations

We provide reasonable academic accommodations for students who follow the procedure for disclosing and appropriately documenting their disability, in compliance with state and federal regulations. 

You must otherwise be qualified to attend college and meet the technical standards of your program. In addition, you must be able to successfully manage your time to attend class and participate in activities. You are expected to fulfill the objectives and requirements for each class, including attendance, note taking (if possible), abiding by due dates and adhering to the OCC Student Code of Conduct

What to Do and What Happens Next 

To receive classroom accommodations at OCC, you must: 

  • Provide current documentation that cites an active diagnosis and functional limitations for classroom and academic work.
  • Request accommodations through ACCESS each semester after registering for classes.
  • Alert the ACCESS office if a schedule change occurs after enacting that semester’s accommodations.
  • Discuss approved accommodation arrangements with instructors.
  • Schedule testing accommodation appointments with ACCESS at least two business days in advance of each exam. If using a reader or scribe, schedule testing appointments at least one week before the exam. 

We assign accommodations on a case-by-case basis. If needed, we may ask you for additional or updated documentation. 

Disability accommodations are not retroactive. They are provided from the date they are approved and communicated by ACCESS to faculty through the Notification of Accommodations process. 

Your Student Records Are Confidential 

OCC honors the confidentiality of student records, including disability documentation, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

OCC will not discriminate against any student regardless of disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin as required by state and federal laws. 

We commit to a timely delivery of approved accommodations notification to faculty. Only disability accommodations approved by the Oakland Community College ACCESS office will be provided in OCC classes. 

Inform the ACCESS Office or submit a complaint if an approved accommodation is not being met in the classroom. 

Service Limitations 

We work to develop strategies for all potentially eligible students to succeed academically and provide internal and external referrals, as needed. However, Limited English Proficiency does not constitute a disability. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act supports that all students meet the technical standards, or functional requirements, of their academic program. Lab parameters that are an essential part of a program of study or safety will be upheld. 

OCC does not provide personal assistants. 

ASL Interpreting and Captioning Services

American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters or captionists facilitate student communication in class and for OCC course-related activities. The interpreter or captionist does not: 

  • assist with course work
  • provide tutoring, advisement, counseling, or advocacy
  • offer personal services 

Requesting Services 

You must request interpreting or captioning from the ACCESS office a minimum of 10 business days in advance. More notice is appreciated, if possible. 

Attend class at the times ACCESS assigns your interpreter or captionist. If you are unable to attend a scheduled class, you must notify the ACCESS office two business days in advance. 

No-Show Policy 

If you arrive to class more than 30 minutes late or do not attend the meeting or class for which the service was requested and did not notify the ACCESS office in advance, the session will be regarded as a no-show. The interpreter or captionist will have no obligation to remain for that session. 

If you receive two no-shows in a semester, ACCESS interpreting or captioning services will be suspended for that semester until you meet with an ACCESS Coordinator. The ACCESS Coordinator will discuss and review your situation at this meeting. If you still need interpreting or captioning services, the ACCESS Coordinator will reinstate services after you agree to follow ACCESS policy. 

Notify ACCESS immediately if there is a change in your class enrollment status or if you no longer need services for that semester. 

You assume responsibility for your academic performance. Interpreters and captionists are not responsible for your class work, test scores, or grades. 

We may change or modify our policies in the future. ACCESS notifies students, interpreters, and captionists when changes are made.  

Personal Care Assistants in the Classroom

We help you with your academic needs. If you also need help with non-academic needs, your family or an outside agency may hire a personal assistant for you. 

You must get approval from an ACCESS office before a personal assistant can accompany you to class. Personal assistants are approved through ACCESS but are not the responsibility of or monitored by ACCESS. 

A personal care assistant must: 

  • tend to your ADLs (activities of daily living) and medical needs, as necessary 
  • accompany you in the classroom as a personal, medical-related aid 
  • register with an OCC campus ACCESS office each semester 
  • agree to the parameters set forth for personal assistants 

A personal care assistant must not: 

  • interact with class materials or the instructional process 
  • participate in class activities and instruction (this includes testing and tutoring) 
  • help you or any other student with homework and in-class assignments 

You must notify your instructor if your personal assistant will be absent on any specific day. 

Otherwise Qualified to Attend College

The ACCESS program provides accommodations and services to students with a documented disability diagnosed by a qualified, licensed professional as required by the postsecondary students with disabilities component of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Students who disclose a disability under the American with Disabilities Act must still be considered otherwise qualified to attend college. This means that a student with a disability meets all the technical standards and objectives of their academic program. 

Being otherwise qualified also means you can successfully communicate with your instructors. You also must be able to complete all homework assignments and tests on the dates outlined in your course syllabus. 

By registering for a class, you are stating that you are willing and able to meet the course requirements. 

Info for Faculty & Staff 

Go to InsideOCC for additional accommodation and disability support service information. 

Get Faculty & Staff Info 

Contact Information

ACCESS main line:  (248) 341-2380

Auburn Hills - Room B-112B

Highland Lakes - Room WH-220
Shawn M. DiCicco, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator

Orchard Ridge - Room K-111
Michelle McLane, MA, Access Coordinator

Royal Oak - Room B-106
Shawn M. DiCicco, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator
Steve Messina, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator

Southfield - Room A-211
Michelle McLane, MA, Access Coordinator

ACCESS Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm

Southfield ACCESS Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm