Disability Documentation Requirements

Requirements for Documentation of a Disability

These documentation requirements are provided to assist students in obtaining appropriate documentation from qualified professionals.  Appropriate documentation of a disability is only part of determining necessary accommodations.  Institutions will request documentation for the following reasons: 

  • To verify the existence of a disability.
  • To determine if a student’s Functional Limitation substantially limits a Major Life Activity defined by the ADA and Section 504.

Functional Limitation – A substantial impairment in the individual’s ability to function in the condition, manner or duration of a required major life activity.

Major Life Activity - i.e. walking, seeing, hearing, breathing, learning, concentrating, thinking.

Students with Formal Diagnosed Conditions 

Medical Evaluation – The required documentation for a student is a formal evaluation from a qualified professional licensed to diagnose the student’s condition.  The evaluation should contain: 

  • A specific diagnosis and description of the disability, along with the diagnostic code. 
  • Comprehensive test results used to arrive at the diagnosis based on an adult population.
  • The name, title and licensing of the individual making the diagnosis.  Documentation reports need to be on professional letterhead, completed in English, dated and signed by the licensed professional. 
  • Statement of the degree of impact the disability has on a “Major Life Activity.” 
  • Any relevant information regarding current treatment and/or medications. 
  • Description of how the disability affects the student’s ability to participate academically.

New High School Graduates or High School Guest Students

Disability services at the college level are governed by different federal laws than those at the K-12 level, and required documentation may be very different.

Psychological Evaluations conducted during high school must have been performed within the last few years and be based on age 16 years or older.  These reports can be acquired at the student’s high school’s District Office.  Evaluations done by licensed professionals in a private setting could also be provided.

Insufficient Documentation (Not Accepted)

  • Doctor statements that only indicate suggested accommodations.
  • Hospital discharge papers.
  • Disability letters from other colleges/universities.
  • Individual Educational Plans (IEPS) without the Psychological Evaluation report.
  • 504 Plans must include medical support.
  • Prescriptions, list of medications.
  • Self-assessments.
  • College Board ACT/SAT accommodations.

Oakland Community College reserves the right to request additional documentation if needed. 

Contact Information

ACCESS main line:  (248) 341-2380

Auburn Hills - Room B-112B
Email: ahaccess@oaklandcc.edu

Highland Lakes - Room WH-220
Shawn M. DiCicco, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator
Email: hlaccess@oaklandcc.edu

Orchard Ridge - Room K-111
Michelle McLane, MA, Access Coordinator
Email: oraccess@oaklandcc.edu

Royal Oak - Room B-106
Shawn M. DiCicco, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator
Steve Messina, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator
Email: roaccess@oaklandcc.edu

Southfield - Room A-211
Michelle McLane, MA, Access Coordinator
Email: sfaccess@oaklandcc.edu

ACCESS Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm

Southfield ACCESS Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm