OCR Policy

Oakland Community College is committed to making its information technology ("IT") resources, which includes all information provided though the College's website, online learning or e-learning environment and its learning management systems, accessible to students, prospective students, employees, guests and visitors with disabilities, particularly those with visual, hearing and manual impairments or who otherwise require the use of assistive technology to access information provided through the College IT resources.

Oakland Community College is committed to taking the action necessary to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), 29 U.S.C. Section 794, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 104, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Title II), 42 U.S.C. Section 12131 et seq., and its implementing regulation at 28 C.F.R. Part 35.

Declaration of Technical Standards

Oakland Community College will adhere to WCAG 2.0 level AA identified in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as the technical standards used to determine web accessibility of the College's Website.  

Web Accessibility Coordinators

Bethany Kennedy, Dean of Academic Support Services
Phone: (248) 209-9746

Grievance Procedure

Oakland Community College (OCC) is committed to removing barriers to education that may be experienced by students with disabilities by providing appropriate academic support and accommodations.  The Rehabilitation Act of 1073 (Section 504) and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulate the provision of services and accommodations for students with disabilities in higher education.  The Accessibility Compliance Center and Educational Support Services (ACCESS) offices are responsible for providing OCC students with accommodations.

OCC supports students in their right to file a grievance when a student believes they have been denied equal access in the form of eligibility, appropriate and reasonable accommodations or auxiliary aids, or believe they have experienced discriminatory harassment as defined in the OCC Board of Trustees nondiscrimination policy (Board Policy 2.6).

OCC encourages students, prospective students, employees, guests and visitors to follow the steps outlined in this document, should they believe it is necessary to file a complaint.  Students are also encouraged to review the OCC Student Handbook policies for academic and non-academic grievance procedures. 

OCC also encourages students, prospective students, employees, guests and visitors to report violations of the technical standards adopted by the College regarding web accessibility.  Reports regarding violations of the technical standards should be made to the Web Accessibility Coordinator who shall be responsible for reviewing the report and ensuring appropriate action is taken to address the reported deficiency within a reasonable time.  

Steps to Address and Resolve a Complaint

Step 1 - ACCESS Coordinator:  Students should discuss the complaint with the ACCESS Coordinator on the campus where they are taking the majority of their classes as soon after the incident has occurred as possible.  The ACCESS Coordinator will consult with appropriate College personnel, depending on the nature and scope of the complaint, and will bring relevant resources and personnel together to help resolve the issue.  Resolution of the issue may be reached at this level.  However, if a resolution is not reached, students may proceed to the next step. 

Step 2 - Dean of Learning Resources:  The student must file a written appeal to the Dean of Learning Resources or designee within 10 business days following the outcome of step one.  The Dean will review the student's written appeal, with may include consulting with the student and other relevant College personnel, and will respond with 15 working days, excluding OCC closures. The written appeal must include a detailed description of the complaint, supporting documentation for the complaint and/or appeal, if available, the outcome summary from the consultation with the ACCESS Coordinator, and the specific resolution sought by the student.

Resolution of the issue may be reached at this level.  However, if a resolution is not reached, students may proceed to the next step.

Step 3 - OCC Human Resources:  The student should submit a written appeal within 10 business days following the outcome of step two to the OCC Human Resources Department.  The Human Resources Department will consult with the student and others to attempt to resolve the issue. The written appeal must include a detailed description of the complaint, supporting documentation for the complaint and/or appeal, if available, the outcome summary from the consultation with the Dean of Learning Resources, and the specific resolution sought by the student.

Resolution of the presented issue may be reached at this level.  However, if a resolution is not reached, the complainant has exhausted internal College grievance procedures.

Note that students are permitted to file a complaint directly with the OCC Web Accessibility Coordinator, the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, the Michigan Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights.  These agencies will accept complaints and investigate the issue according to their policies and procedures. However, the steps outlined above are recommended for immediate resolution of the concern. 

Dean of Learning Resources/Web Accessibility Coordinator
Oakland Community College
Auburn Hills Campus, B221
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Phone:  (248) 232-4511
Fax:  (248) 232-4313 

Human Resources Department,
Oakland Community College
Auburn Hills Campus
Auburn Hills MI 48326
Phone:  248-341-2022
Fax:  (248) 341-2025

Michigan Department of Civil Rights
Detroit Executive Office
Cadillac Place
3054 West Grand Boulevard, Suite 3-600
Detroit, MI  48202
Phone: (313) 456-3700, (800) 482-3604
Fax:  (313) 456-3791
TTY:  (877) 878-8464

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Detroit Area Office
777 Michigan Ave, #865
Detroit, MI  48226
Phone:  (313) 226-4608
Fax:   (313) 226-4610
TTY: (800) 669-6820

US. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Michigan-Ohio Regional Office
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 325
Cleveland, OH 44115-1812
Phone:  (216) 522-4970
Fax:  (216) 522-2573
TDD:  (800) 877-8339

Contact Information

ACCESS main line:  (248) 341-2380

Auburn Hills - Room B-112B
Email: ahaccess@oaklandcc.edu

Highland Lakes - Room WH-220
Shawn M. DiCicco, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator
Email: hlaccess@oaklandcc.edu

Orchard Ridge - Room K-111
Michelle McLane, MA, Access Coordinator
Email: oraccess@oaklandcc.edu

Royal Oak - Room B-106
Shawn M. DiCicco, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator
Steve Messina, MA, LPC, Access Coordinator
Email: roaccess@oaklandcc.edu

Southfield - Room A-211
Michelle McLane, MA, Access Coordinator
Email: sfaccess@oaklandcc.edu

ACCESS Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm

Southfield ACCESS Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm