Dual Enrollment - Next Steps

Dual Enrollment Steps for High School Students

You are one step closer to becoming a dual enrolled student at OCC! Follow these steps to enroll as a new or returning student. 
Returning high school dual enrolled students must reapply each semester. 
Meet with your high school counselor when you’re ready to get started. They can discuss your eligibility and help with the enrollment process. If you have questions, email OCC Admissions. 

Learn more at a Dual Enrollment Information Session

Sign up today!

Select New, Returning or Early College Student

New High School Dual Enrolled Student Steps

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Step 1: Apply Online

Complete our online application. It’s free, and it’s fast to fill out. 
Look for a confirmation email from our admissions team stating that we received your application. If you don’t get confirmation within two business days, email OCC Admissions

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Step 2: Submit Authorization Form

After you submit your online application, submit the High School Dual Enrollment Payment & School Authorization Form. 

High School Sponsored Students 
If you pass the course, your sponsor covers your tuition costs: 

Self-Pay Students 
If you are not sponsored by your school district and you or a parent/guardian pays for your courses, you are a self-paying student. 

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Step 3: Create MyOCC Account

After we process your application and dual enrollment authorization forms, we will send you two emails with information to set up your MyOCC account: 

    1. An admissions team member emails your OCC Student ID number and the link to find your username. 
    2. An online services team member emails your temporary password. 

Set up your MyOCC account
With MyOCC, you can do these tasks and more: 

    • Access your student email account. 
    • Complete pre-registration steps. 
    • Register for classes. 
    • Find payment information. 
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Step 4:  Complete Online Orientation

You must complete the online New Student Orientation before you register for classes. The orientation takes around 30 minutes.

To access the orientation, log into MyOCC and select New Student Orientation under the Pre-Registration Steps

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Step 5: Take the Online Learning Readiness Course

You must complete the Online Learning Readiness Course before you can register for online or hybrid classes. The average time to complete this self-paced course is 1.5 hours. 
To access the course, log into MyOCC and select Online Learning Readiness Course (DIST 1000) under Pre-Registration Steps

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Step 6: Complete Placement Testing

English or ESL placement is required to register for classes. Complete the OCC English self-placement test. Or submit qualifying high school transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, or provide exemption documentation. If you are an ESL student, complete the OCC Duolingo English Test.   

To take a math class or a class with a math prerequisite, you must do one of the following:  

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Step 7: Register for Classes

To register for classes, log into your MyOCC account. Select Student Planning. Then select Plan Your Degree and Register for Classes to search for classes and add them to your plan. After you add classes to your plan, you can register for them. 

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Step 8: Buy your Books

You can buy textbooks, supplies, and OCC gear in person or online. Visit the OCC Bookstore in person at Auburn Hills, Royal Oak, or Orchard Ridge. Or shop online and have your order shipped directly to you. 

Returning High School Dual Enrolled Student Steps

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Step 1: Apply Online

Returning high school dual enrolled students must reapply each semester. 
Log in to your admissions account. Select Create a New Application. Complete a new application for the semester you plan to attend. Select the option for High School Dual Enrolled
Most information from your previous application will populate. Verify the information is correct. Complete required fields marked with a red asterisk * and submit your new application. 
Your admissions profile email username and password are different from your MyOCC login information. The admissions username will likely be a personal or high school email. If you forgot your password, reset it with the Forgot Your Password option

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Step 2: Submit Authorization Form

After you submit your online application, submit the High School Dual Enrollment Payment & School Authorization Form. 
High School Sponsored Students 
If you pass your course, your sponsor covers your tuition costs. 
Complete the dual enrollment authorization form (Parts 1 and 2) with a parent/guardian and your high school counselor. Email the form to OCC Admissions

Self-Pay Students 
If you are not sponsored by your school district and you or a parent/guardian pays for your courses, you are a self-paying student. 
Complete the dual enrollment authorization form (Part 1 only) with a parent/guardian and your high school counselor. Email the form to OCC Admissions

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Step 3: Take Learning Readiness Course

You must complete the Online Learning Readiness Course before you can register for online or hybrid classes. The average time to complete this self-paced course is 1.5 hours. Skip this step if you already took an online or hybrid class at OCC. 

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Step 4: Register for Classes

To register for classes, log into your MyOCC account and select Student Planning. Then select Plan Your Degree and Register for Classes to search for classes and add them to your plan. After you add classes to your plan, you can register for them. 

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Step 5: Buy Your Books

You can buy textbooks, supplies, and OCC gear in person or online. Visit the OCC Bookstore in person at Auburn Hills, Royal Oak, or Orchard Ridge. Or shop online and have your order shipped directly to you. 

Early College Students: Dual Enrollment Steps 

Early college blends high school and college. This multi-year program combines high school graduation with an OCC associate degree in grade 13.  
Find your program-specific steps to apply to early college here.  Steps for Early College Students

Earn College Credits & Explore Your Interests 

Explore classes in subject areas spark your interest. Here are some of the popular courses dually enrolled high school students take here. 

Art & Communications

  • Basic Drawing 
  • Composition I 
  • Introduction to Film

Business, Management, Marketing & Technology

  • American Government 
  • Introduction to Business 
  • Principles of Macroeconomics 

Engineering, Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

  • Calculus I 
  • College Algebra 
  • Statistics 

Health Sciences

  • Introductory Chemistry 
  • General Chemistry I 
  • Life Science 

Human Services

  • Intro to Philosophy 
  • Introduction to Psychology 
  • Sociology 

Deadline to Apply

For the fall/summer semester, students are highly encouraged to apply by March 1. For the winter semester, apply by October 1. Ask your high school counselor to help you apply. 

Returning dual enrollment students must apply each semester. Log in to your OCC application account and submit a new application for the next semester you plan to attend.