New Student FAQs

New students as well as adults with post-secondary degrees returning to college often wonder about or are looking for tips to complete the online application, faculty, classes, course options just among a few things when considering a college.

For the first time college student to the seasoned adult learner, we have collected a few Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to guide you. Be sure to check the related links for even more information as you complete your admissions steps found under ADMISSIONS. Select the type of student you are and carefully read the steps. See you soon at OCC!

How do I begin the application process?

Visit the Admissions webpage and chose your student type for a complete list of steps.

What should I have available when I complete the application?

While the Admissions webpage can provide more specific information for you student type, below is a general list of items that might be helpful.

  • Documentation of your SAT/ACT scores, if results are fewer than two years old
  • High school transcripts, if you haven't completed any college coursework previously
  • Social Security number, if you intend to apply for Financial Aid
  • OCC's completed high school authorization form, if applying as a high school dual-enrolled student
  • Your Admissions Profile e-mail username and password, if you need to login to complete an application or reapply as a high school dual-enrolled student
  • Unofficial college transcripts from all colleges and/or universities you've previously attended
  • Documentation of your residency or VISA status, if applying as an international student

When should I fill out the application?

As a general recommendation, students should allow two to six weeks to complete the admissions process prior to registering for classes. Starting early is important as steps like placement testing, counseling and transcripts may be required.

For upcoming semesters, (when you can set up your schedule) visit Registration dates 

What does it mean to be High School Dual-Enrolled?

High school students who are also taking college classes are considered High School Dual-enrolled. Many of these students are attending for free because their high schools pay for tuition.

I am a high school student. Why do I need to update and resubmit an application each semester if I am Dual-Enrolled at OCC?

As a high school student, all your records remain at your school and are not kept on file at OCC.

Why do I keep getting an error message about my high school when I try to submit my online application? 

If you've received an error message, follow these steps:

  • Select the Academics tab in the top left corner.
  • Clear any information that you've typed and reset all of the dropdowns.
  • Enter in the first three letters of your high school's name.
  • Select the appropriate country from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the appropriate state/region from the next dropdown menu.
  • Select Search and a selection of schools will appear.
  • Select your high school from the dropdown menu and then use the Select button.
  • If your school does not appear still, clear any information that you've typed and reset all dropdowns again.
  • Type in the name and address manually in the space provided.

I previously attended OCC as a High School Dual-Enrolled Student.  Do I need to reapply if I want to continue taking college classes after I graduate high school. 

Yes, log-in with your OCC Admissions Profile username and password to change your student status from Dual-enrolled to Degree Seeking Student and resubmit as you’ve done in the past.

Can I take the English Placement Test while my application is being processed?

No, you must have an OCC student ID available to take the College's English placement test. It takes two business days to process your completed application and receive the OCC student ID. We encourage you to APPLY EARLY so you have the time necessary to prepare for college.

I already have a degree or partial degree.  Do I have to complete an English Placement Test and meet with a counselor?

You are considered a Transfer Student. If your transcripts indicate having met English placement requirements, you may receive a waiver for both English placement and an Owl Session with Counseling. NOTE: For coursework transfer evaluation, an official transcript is required.

Whom do I contact for assistance/help?

Contact Student Services, or Phone (248) 341-2280.

Adult Learner

How can I take classes at OCC?

If you’ve never taken college level courses, complete the steps listed for Students New to OCC.

If you have completed college level courses, complete the steps listed for Transfer Students.

What's the best web browser to use?

For best results, use Google Chrome or Firefox. Safari has known issues.

What personal information do I need to complete the online application? 

  • Unofficial college transcripts
  • Social Security number, if you intend to apply for Financial Aid or scholarships

I already attended OCC.  Do I need to reapply


If your student record has been INACTIVE for three (3) years or more, you must complete a new online application.

If your student record has been ACTIVE within the last three (3) years, you do not need to reapply. Log-in to MyOCC from

In either case, you are required to see a counselor to discuss your program of study and class selection.

What's a credit?

A credit refers to the number of hours you will spend per week in class during a single semester. A semester is usually a 15 week period.

Will my credits from a previous institution transfer to OCC?

If your classes were taken at an accredited institution, there is a strong likelihood that OCC will accept them. Age is not necessarily a factor.

What is the difference between credit, non-credit and continuing education options?


Classes that are noncredit or Continuing Education (CE) cannot earn a degree, but you may be able to earn CE units, a certification or other completion to meet professional requirements.

Classes that earn credit will enable you to complete a degree and possibly transfer to a four (4) year institution.

How do I upload transcripts, high school dual-enrolled authorizations or other documents to complete my application?

It’s easiest to submit all documents in PDF format while you are completing your Online Application. You’ll be prompted to do so.

If you need to upload documents at a later date, email them to

Do I have to take the English Placement Test called ACCUPLACER?

It depends on your student type. Students can be exempt for eight reasons, including high SAT/ACT scores and prior college level credit. The list of exemptions can be found at the bottom of ACCUPLACER English Placement Webpage.

If you are not exempt, use the same link above to find a testing location and time that’s convenient for you.

I am exempt from taking OCC's English Placement Test called ACCUPLACER. What do I do?

Schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor and bring documentation of your exemption.

Do I have to take the Math Placement Test called ALEKS?

Math placement is not required for admission. You should not take the math placement test, unless you are planning to take a math class within the next 12 months. The results expire after one year.

Students can be exempt from math placement testing, if (1) you have already taken math at a different college or university within the last two years and (2) earned a passing grade. Schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor and remember to bring unofficial transcripts to support your exemption.

Do I have to see a counselor?

All students new to OCC are required to schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor prior to registration. You can learn more at Mandatory Counseling.

Do I have to complete Online Orientation?

All students new to OCC must complete online orientation, but are not required to complete the Student Lingos.

Why can I register for some classes but not others?


Most classes require you complete a prerequisite, defined as a course that you need to take before you register for a higher level class so you are prepared.

Other classes are part of a program, like Nursing. You must have successfully applied to the program to take any classes with an NUR designation.

Please schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor. They can assist you with course selection and answer your questions.

Why can't I register?

If you are a new student, there are steps that must be completed prior to registration. Please schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor.

Can I get into a class once it's full? Is there a waiting list?

No, you cannot register for a class that is full and there are no exceptions. A waitlist is available, but is no longer an option once the semester begins.

 Where can I buy books?

Textbooks can be purchased online using the Bookstore webpage or at the bookstore where the class is being taught. For example, if your class is at Royal Oak, visit the Royal Oak Bookstore.

Is there housing on-campus?

No, OCC does not have housing on any of its campuses. However, most of the campuses have adjacent apartments and other rental options on or near public transportation.

Continuing Education

Do I need to be an OCC student to take Continuing Education classes?

No, anyone can sign up for a class through OCC Continuing Education.

How do I register for Continuing Education classes?

Register here.

What Continuing Education classes do you offer?

We offer classes on a wide variety of topics, including Motorcycle Safety, Grant Writing, Social Media, Microsoft Office and Concealed Weapons License.

Where are you located?

OCC has multi campus system around Oakland County. Check out our website for addresses and maps!

What if I still have questions?

You can contact Student Services at Phone (248) 341-2280

Live Admissions

We strive to be student ready! By supporting our area high schools with mobile Admissions, high school seniors and those approved for dual-enrollment are being admitted to OCC in record time!

What is Live Admissions?

With the mobile assistance of expert OCC Admissions staff - up to 30 participants complete the entire application process and all account activations in a one hour session at their high school.

Why have a live admissions event?

The best answer is student and counselor satisfaction! Students who attend a LIVE Admissions event leave with a confident path to registration and counselors get their questions answered, too.

How do you schedule a live admissions event?

High school counselors or other school official representatives can email the Admissions Department to schedule a convenient time.

What if I have more than 30 interested students? Or what if I can't schedule my students for an entire hour?

We simply schedule multiple sessions and/or multiple days. We’ve assisted entire senior classes.

Is there a minimum number or students that must attend?

We prefer a minimum of 10 students. However, we’ve accommodated smaller groups staffing permitting.

Is there any cost or other obligation associated with live admissions?

The process is free and no student is obligated to attend OCC if he or she changes his or her mind.

Whom do I contact for assistance/help?