Q: What has been the biggest challenge of being a college student during the pandemic
and how did you deal with it?
A: It was extremely difficult to learn dental hygiene online. It was hard to pay attention,
concentrate and stay focused on the end goal. There was a lot of uncertainty in dental
hygiene. The new protocols that had to be in place before we could come back to clinical
took a while – we were uncertain we would meet our patient requirements needed to
graduate and if we could graduate on time.
Q: What were your biggest accomplishments?
A: My biggest accomplishment is completing this program, which is very demanding. It’s
like your whole life is put on hold. There’s so much to learn and not enough time.
I do have a small home décor business too and to stay on top of that and this program,
maintain good mental health, and stay on the Dean’s List the whole time, is an accomplishment.
Q: Describe your feelings having gone through the last two years and persevered?
A: I’m excited, and a little stressed, going from school to the real world. I feel stronger
from everything I’ve done. It’s made me a better person.
Q: What kind of support have you received from faculty?
A: The faculty at OCC has been wonderful. Renee Fox has gone out of her way to make
sure each of us knows the materials and resources and encourages us along the way.
Michelle Spencer is very positive and pushes you to do better and understand the information.
Ann Costello is so passionate in what she does. She has stayed after clinical and
took time out of her own time to help me do better and understand.
Q: What are the next steps for you after leaving OCC?
A: I plan on getting a job as a dental hygienist. Eventually I hope to get my bachelor’s
degree and go into teaching or research or natural health and wellbeing.
Q: What would you like to say to your friends and family?
A: Thank you for the support given to me, especially my husband, Nicholas, who kept encouraging
me and supporting me through my best and worst moments. He’s given me so much unconditional
love and made sacrifices to help me grow and succeed in my career.