Q: What has been the biggest challenge of being a college student during the pandemic
and how did you deal with it?
A: The biggest challenge was staying home because my brother, sister and cousins were
home and it was difficult to study. The way I dealt with that challenge was going
to the Southfield Library after it opened to study. I was not too familiar with D2L,
but I took a D2L course, and everything was good from then on.
Q: What were your biggest accomplishments?
A: My biggest accomplishment is completing this associate degree at 18 years old. Usually,
people get into college at 18. And getting through the pandemic, online and in-person
classes, finding a balance and making it work for me is an accomplishment.
Q: Describe your feelings having gone through the last two years and persevered?
A: When I went to online classes, I found it difficult to adapt and I doubted myself
and my ability. I put in more time, effort and dedication and was able to get through
the hurdles. I changed my schedule and managed my time better. I also made a study
schedule each day and week with how many classes and hours I put into them. It helped
me manage my time better to pass these classes.
Q: What kind of support have you received from faculty?
A: Meena Kondapi, who taught me economy and business, guided and helped me whether it
was academic or personal. Instructor Dawn Young had meetings with me outside of her
hours to help me get a basic understanding of accounting. And from day one, Counselor
Penny McKenzie has guided and helped me with classes and what I needed to transfer
and understand those requirements.
Q: What are the next steps for you after leaving OCC?
A: In Fall 2022, I will transfer to the University of Michigan and get a Bachelor’s Degree
in Economics and minor in Computer Science. I would eventually like to work for a
tech company and manage finances.
Q: What would you like to say to your fellow graduates?
A: Hard work and determination will lead you to success and achieve your goals. You need
to adapt to difficult circumstances. Unexpected events can happen at any moment and
never give up.