Drop-In Counseling

OCC Counselors are available to assist students for drop-in services without an appointment necessary. Select the campus you would like for an in-person meeting, or choose the remote option. Follow the steps to see times and join the waitlist.

Contact a Counselor

Counseling phone number: (248) 341-2270

Service Hours (by appointment only)

  • Monday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm (Onsite & Virtual Services)
  • Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:30am - 5pm (Onsite & Virtual Services) 
    • 5:00 - 7:00pm (Virtual)
  • Wednesdays counselors are available for same day drop-in sessionsJoin a waitlist.
  • Saturday (see dates below): 8:30am - 12:30pm (Virtual Services Only)
    • First two Saturdays in January
    • Entire months of July (except July 5), August & December


Auburn Hills Campus
2nd Floor B Building
Email a Counselor @ Auburn Hills
Fax (248) 232-4355

Highland Lakes Campus
2nd Floor of Woodland Hall
Email a Counselor @ Highland Lakes
Fax: (248) 942-3055

Orchard Ridge Campus
1st Floor of M Building
Email a Counselor @ Orchard Ridge
Fax: (248) 522-3696

Royal Oak Campus 
1st Floor of B Building
Email a Counselor @ Royal Oak
Fax: (248) 246-2455

Southfield Campus
2nd Floor of A Building
Email a Counselor @ Southfield 
Fax: (248) 233-2740