OCC Username and Password Support

OCC is constantly working to improve the student digital experience. 

OCC uses Okta Security to add multifactor authentication to most student applications. As part of our process to secure your student account and data, we are constantly updating our applications to support this extra protection.

New or Returning to OCC 

If you have never logged in before, you can login with your temporary password and then you will be prompted to set up OCC Okta security questions and create a new password. 

  • Username: Not sure what your username is? You can recover your username with your last name, and student ID or last name AND email address AND birth date
  • Student ID: can be found in an email from OCC Admissions 
  • Password: Your temporary password can be found in an email from Online Services. If you did not receive this email you can contact the Student Technical Helpdesk and someone can provide you with your temporary password. 
  • Login to MyOCC 

Current OCC Student 

  • Username: Not sure what your username is? You can recover your username with your last name, and student ID or last name AND email address AND birth date
  • Password: Forgot your password? To reset your password, enter your username, and when prompted for your password, click the Forgot Password? link to create a new password. 

Password Safety

We recommend that you change your password regularly. Your OCC Okta password will expire and prompt you to change it every six months.  

If you think your password has been compromised, you should change it immediately. 

Additional Resources