Drugged and Drunk Driving: A Cop Friendly Way to Investigate
Course Description:
Students will be effectively trained so the mystery and daunting process of conducting
Operating While Impaired/Operating Under the Influence of Drugs investigations becomes
This training will make impaired driving investigations substantially easier for patrol
officers. Officers will learn how to identify potentially impaired drivers; and the
complete process of investigating impaired driving using Standard Field Sobriety Tests
and other methods. Officers will receive training on how to articulate the necessary
information in arrest reports and search warrants, as well as testifying in court.
This course will benefit the veteran or new officer and will build confidence when
investigating OWI and OUID cases.
Topics Include:
- Review of Standard Field Sobriety Tests for Drunk Driving and Drugged Driving investigations
- Differentiating between sober and Impaired drivers
- Relevant case law related to Impaired Driving Investigations
- Interpersonal communication and interviewing techniques
- Impaired Drivers who are not “drunk,” but impaired by drugs
- Observation techniques to help recognize Impaired Drivers
- Recognizing signs of impaired driving during when interacting with drivers
- Articulating information in arrest reports and search warrants
- Michigan Impaired Driving Laws
- Testifying in court
Course Details:
- DATES: April 16, 2025
- TIME: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
- COSTS: $259.00
- LOCATION: Oakland Police Academy 2900 Featherstone, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 - Location on Campus: Police Academy
- REGISTRATION: Wolf Hound Cop Training
Complete registration form and return to: info@wolfhoundcoptraining.com Make Checks payable to: Wolfhound Cop Training and send payment to: WOLFHOUND COP TRAINING, 3595 Baldwin Road #267, Lake Orion, MI 48359
Contact/Questions: Email to: info@wolfhoundcoptraining.com
- 302 Funds Eligible -