Counter Ambush Deadly Force Encounters L.O.C.K.U.P. Soulis Shooting Systems

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Lieutenant Kevin Dillon, (Wethersfield, CT Police Department, Retired) is a twenty-six year veteran law enforcement officer, SWAT Commander and an internationally recognized use-of-force and communications expert, instructor and speaker. He is the founder and developer of two Internationally recognized training programs: The L.O.C.K.U.P. ® Police Training System (2000), and Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies, (L.E.A.D.S., 2007). His training program recently received the 2022 FBI National Academy Associates Science and Innovation Award.

Pete Soulis - A thirty-five year law enforcement veteran, serving the majority of his career as a SWAT Officer/Team Leader. During his career, he assisted with the development and implementation of the firearms curriculum and CQB Tactics for U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. He also served as a contractor for three years in Afghanistan as a Law Enforcement Subject Matter Expert (SME). He developed a firearms system using his extensive firefight experiences and knowledge of the physiological aspects of human change during deadly force encounters. He trains civilian, law enforcement and military personnel nationally about the aspects of surviving deadly force encounters, lecturing on “Surviving Armed Encounters”

Course Description

This dynamic course combines the proven Soulis Shooting System® for close-quarter firearms techniques with the L.O.C.K.U.P.® Police Training System's immediate physical control tactics. Through lectures, demonstrations, role play, and practical scenario-based applications, participants will be instructed on how to apply force that is both necessary and reasonable to control violent, resisting, or combative suspects during deadly force engagements.

The course emphasizes the seamless integration of close-quarter firearms tactics and physical control strategies, providing participants with a strong foundation to address deadly force situations effectively. Techniques taught are designed to be direct, proportionate, and measured, ensuring appropriate responses to all levels of resistance and aggression. This program equips students with practical, evidence-based skills to manage high-risk encounters with confidence and precision.

Topics Include:

  • Understand the integration of the L.O.C.K.U.P.® Police Training System and the Soulis Shooting System®, including their principles and concepts
  • Examine the physical and physiological dynamics of combat and how they influence shooting performance during close-quarter engagements
  • Identify the aspects of fear, its impact on performance, and effective strategies to manage it
  • Develop a thorough understanding of human anatomy as it pertains to incapacitation in combat scenarios
  • Execute basic fighting positions from standing, kneeling, and grounded positions, transitioning seamlessly to an armed shooting platform
  • Proficiency in Close-Quarter Combat and Tactical Techniques
  • Combat Survival and Shooting Techniques
  • Understand the importance of the Immediate Sensory Overload Philosophy of Combat and its role in spontaneous violent encounters
  • Learn the principles of target-focused shooting for close-quarter engagements and front-sight acquisition for precise, surgical shooting
  • Participate in multi-tasking unarmed combat/shooting drills, designed to induce stress and replicate realistic shooting environments for law enforcement and military personnel
  • Recognize the importance of being an ambidextrous fighter, developing proficiency with both the dominant and support hand in all combat scenarios
  • Skill Development and Tactical Proficiency
  • Combat Stance and Glide: Foundational stance and movement for combat readiness 

Required Equipment: BDU type pants, short sleeve shirts, mouth guard, combat boots or wrestling shoes with ankle support, Body armor, Duty Belt and sidearm, groin protection, 750 rounds of lead-free handgun ammunition and eye and ear protection

Course Details:

- 302 Funds Eligible -