Giving Options

Thank you for supporting Oakland Community College. Every gift matters. You can give to the Foundation through:

  • Check payable to the OCC Foundation
  • Credit Card (online or by phone) 
  • Stock transfer
  • IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution 
  • Automatic BillPay through your financial institution
  • Real estate or property transfer

The Foundation helps shape OCC today and tomorrow by providing critical funds to meet the most pressing needs of the College and our students. Your generosity helps OCC empower students and strengthen our community. Thank you for partnering with us.


New Named Funds

Establish a Named Scholarship

Create and name a new expendable or endowed fund, designated to support the part of OCC most important to you.

  • Expendable funds begin at $2,000, and are typically awarded within one year. A fund at this level provides two students with a scholarship covering tuition and books for two classes each.

  • Endowed funds begin at $25,000, and are invested in perpetuity. Earnings and asset appreciation provide annual income for scholarships and other goals.
Employee Payroll Contributions

OCC Employees: Start a Payroll Deduction

OCC employees support students daily, both in and out of the classroom. A recurring, tax-deductible payroll gift is an easy way to enhance this impact and can be directed to a scholarship fund, the Student Success Fund, or the greatest need.

Payroll Contribution Form

Planned Giving

Leave a Legacy with a Planned Gift

Name the OCC Foundation as a beneficiary of your will, trust, insurance policy, or bank, investment, or retirement account. Planned gifts are simple to set up, flexible, and can be updated anytime to reflect changing priorities.

Planned GIving