Oakland Community College
Michigan Reconnect

Michigan Reconnect

Get Free Tuition to Earn a Degree or Certificate

OCC, in partnership with the Michigan Reconnect program, can help you qualify for in-demand jobs—tuition free.  The program offers free in-district tuition to qualifying Michigan residents. Increase your earnings and career opportunities by earning an associate degree or certificate. You'll have four years to complete one program of study.

If you're age 25+

Who qualifies:

  • At least 25 years of age at time of application
  • Be a Michigan resident at least one year before start of semester
  • U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen and undocumented students
  • Hold a high school diploma, certificate of completion, or high school equivalency certificate
  • Do not currently hold a college or university degree (Associate or Bachelor)

Complete These Steps to Apply

    1. Apply to the Michigan Reconnect scholarship program
    2. Complete a Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application 
    3. Become an OCC student using one of the checklists below:

If you're age 21-24 (Limited time - must enroll by the Summer 2025 semester)

For a limited time only, those 21 to 24 are now eligible for Michigan Reconnect! Earn your degree or certificate tuition-free at Oakland Community College. Time to apply is limited, but your future doesn’t have to be. Say hello to making more money, landing a better job and pursuing your passion.

To be eligible you must:

  • Be at least 21 years of age 
  • Apply for Michigan Reconnect by  Dec 31, 2024!
  • Begin classes in a community or tribal college during the 2024-2025 academic year (no later than the  summer 2025 semester.)
  • Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
  • Have lived in Michigan for at least a year.
  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent or certificate of completion.
  • Have not yet completed a college degree.

Don’t wait — apply to Michigan Reconnect by  Dec 31, 2024! 

This program is for a limited time only — don’t miss the deadlines to apply, enroll and work toward your degree while it remains tuition-free! Reach out to our Financial Aid Office for additional information on applying your Reconnect Scholarship to your tuition bill.

Out-of-district tuition costs:

Reconnect only pays the in-district tuition for any of Michigan’s public community colleges. You will be responsible for covering the difference between the in-district and out-of-district tuition rates of the community college you plan to attend if you live out of the district and if you do not have other scholarships or awards to cover the difference.

Complete These Steps to Apply

  1. Apply to the Michigan Reconnect scholarship program
  2. Complete a Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application 
  3. Become an OCC student using one of the checklists below:

If you're a recent high school graduate

If you graduated high school within the last year, you may be eligible for The Michigan Achievement Scholarship - Community College Guarantee.

Requirements to start/continue in the Michigan Reconnect Program?

You are eligible to continue to participate in the Michigan Reconnect scholarship program until you complete your degree or for up to 4 years from the date you began the program. To remain eligible, please complete the following:

  • Submit a FAFSA every year. List OCC's school code as the first college choice: 002303.
  • Students must have ONLY ONE eligible program of study on record.
  • Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA while in the program.
  • To meet continuous enrollment (CE), you must earn at least 12 credit hours with a passing grade in the academic year (Fall, Winter, Summer). You can receive Reconnect if you are enrolled in at least 1 credit, but you need 12 credits earned in the academic year to maintain CE.
  • Programs ineligible for funding - Financial Aid Eligibility
  •  The following  courses are not eligible for funding:
    • Mathematics - MAT - 1100/1100E
    • English - ENG 1060
    • All students attending OCC through Michigan Reconnect are required to follow these policies regardless of whether they are using the PELL Grant, another aid source, or Michigan Reconnect funds as last dollar assistance.  This means that the Federal PELL Grant and other State or Institutional tuition specific scholarships must be used first before Reconnect can be applied.

Eligibility Frequently Asked Questions

What additional supports are available for Michigan Reconnect students?

  • Over 40 success workshops are available to you 24/7 through the online orientation platform
  • OCC counselors can provide you with guidance and refer you to resources to support you with academic and life needs
  • The Academic Support Center (ASC) provides free tutoring, skills seminars, and study groups across a wide range of subject
  • Oakland County Michigan WORKS! Is offering additional funding to help you pay for books, supplies, and life expenses, as well as childcare scholarships to support your with academic and life needs
  • ACCESS provides accommodations and services to eligible students, to help meet their learning needs
  • Student Engagement provides many ways to get involved, connect with fellow students, and develop both personally and professionally in your time at OCC

I am an out-of-district student. Can I still qualify for Michigan Reconnect?

Yes, you can use your Reconnect scholarship at Oakland Community College. The Reconnect scholarship will cover the cost of in-district tuition (includes billable contact hours) and the student support fee based on student residency. Out-of-district students will be responsible for the remaining difference between the out of district and in district costs.

I have an Associate's or Bachelor degree from another school. Am I eligible for the Reconnect Program?

No, the program is only available to applicants who have not yet received a college degree.


What costs are not covered by the Michigan Reconnect program?

The program is restricted in that it does not cover any of the following costs:

  • Textbooks, supplies, or required equipment
  • Follett textbook inclusive access fees and taxes
  • Program and Class fees 
  • Transportation
  • Childcare

Who qualifies for Michigan Reconnect as an eligible non-citizen or undocumented student?

If you are eligible non-citizen, undocumented or DACA student, you may qualify. You will need to complete a FAFSA and meet all other qualifications.

Note:  You will have to obtain an SSN if you do not have one in order to fill out the FAFSA to be considered for Reconnect.

Do I have to complete a FAFSA application?

Students participating in the Reconnect Program are required to complete a FAFSA every year they participate in the program as well as complete verification if required.

How many credits must I take to be eligible for an award?

Starting Summer 2023 and moving forward if you are enrolled in at least 1 credit in an eligible program you can qualify for Reconnect.

Do I need to maintain a certain GPA to continue to receive Reconnect?

Yes, Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 in the courses taken toward the program of study while a Reconnect participant. Grades earned prior to the student's participation in the Reconnect and courses taken that are not part of the program of study are not considered. This is a new opportunity to meet the standard when you start in the program.

I received an email from Financial Aid stating I need to complete a SAP appeal. Do I need to complete the SAP appeal?

Students participating in the Reconnect Program will not be required to complete the SAP appeal to receive the Reconnect scholarship. However, a SAP appeal could allow eligible students to access additional funding sources for costs that Michigan Reconnect does not cover.

How many times can I repeat a course and use Reconnect Funds?

Reconnect follows the Federal financial aid rules on repeating coursework.  Federal rules allow a student to repeat a passed course only one additional time and a failed course multiple times until passed.

Can I change my program of Study?

Yes, a student may change to another financial aid eligible certificate or associate degree program.  Students may not receive Reconnect funding after earning an associate degree.

If I do not meet the renewal eligibility requirements, can reconnect be reinstated in future years?

If a student loses eligibility for continuous enrollment, they may be eligible to complete a leave of absence/continued eligible appeal.  Please send email to receive additional information about the appeal process.

Once a student loses their scholarship eligibility for not meeting the GPA requirement, not beginning participation on time, or earning an Associate's degree; the award cannot be reinstated.

Additional Questions?

If you need more specific information, visit Michigan Reconnect or email Michigan Reconnect.