OAKLAND COUNTY, Mich. – Five members of the Michigan Legislature representing Oakland
County toured the engineering, manufacturing and industrial technology (EMIT) labs
at Oakland Community College’s Auburn Hills Campus on October 7. During the tour,
the legislators and OCC’s Chancellor Peter Provenzano and Associate Vice Chancellor
Joseph Petrosky discussed the talent shortage, the College’s Capital Outlay plan to
enhance our trades’ labs, and Governor Whitmer’s “Reconnect” project.
Reconnect is the Governor's policy proposal to provide funding for individuals without a degree by age 26 or older to obtain a credential, certification or associate degree from a Michigan community college.
PICTURED FROM LEFT TO RIGHT - Joseph Petrosky, OCC Associate Vice Chancellor; Rep. Jim Ellison, Royal Oak; Rep. Brenda Carter, Pontiac; Rep. Padma Kuppa, Troy; Sen. Rosemary Bayer, Beverly Hills; Rep. Andrea Schroeder, Clarkston; and OCC Chancellor Peter Provenzano.
For more information about OCC’s skilled trade/EMIT programs, visit https://www.oaklandcc.edu/programs/emit/default.aspx
About OCC
With multi campus system in Oakland County, OCC is Michigan’s number one transfer institution, offering nearly 100 excellent degrees and certificates. The College empowers academic and developmental experiences, allowing students to reach their full potential and enhance the communities they serve. More than a million students have enrolled in the College since it opened in 1965. Learn more at oaklandcc.edu.
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