Beverly Stanbrough Shares Expertise and Insights on Interventions Supporting Student Success
Talk to a counselor at Oakland Community College and you’ll find job loss, financial concerns and feelings of isolation as just a few of the barriers to success students face, even before the pandemic.
However, OCC Dean of College Readiness Beverly Stanbrough says the College’s online resources that were escalated during the pandemic have produced significant advantages to supporting students, and many of those resources are here to stay.
Stanbrough recently presented key interventions to support students at a national online Innovative Educators webinar, Online Orientation Evolved: Expanding Support Services to Adapt to New Demands.

According to Stanbrough, OCC implemented a major online transformation in 2017 when students first began mandatory online orientation, and many of those innovative online resources are making a significant impact to ensure student success.
Stanbrough points to a drop in student suspensions due to an academic intervention. She cites examples of increased success through self-assessment, contract process and other resources available to students through one-on-one counseling visits.
OCC has used a comprehensive approach for at-risk students – those who have a grade point average below 2.0 – through the academic Intervention process. Before registering for the next semester’s classes, these students are required to meet with a counselor to determine the specific challenges they may be having. Counselors then work with them on individual plans and provide online, 24/7, recommended success workshops through the College’s customized orientation platform.
“Since 2017 we have seen a reduction in academic suspensions by implementing a combination of online workshops and counselor interventions,” Stanbrough said. “These resources, including the availability of 24/7 online services, have really helped keep our students in school and on track for success.”
Stanbrough notes the remote environment, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has significantly increased participation in the online workshops. Through counseling appointments, students are asked to complete a series of these workshop sessions, taken at any time that is convenient for them. They are then expected to discuss the content of the workshops at their next counseling appointment.
She believes the silver lining to the pandemic is colleges have learned to better adapt during any type of disruption for students.
“The ability of teachers and faculty to reach out to students more effectively through video meetings or chat groups continues to improve. We’re more aware of recognizing crisis points for students and remain focused on helping them persist through challenging times.”
About OCC
Offering nearly 100 degrees and certificates, OCC is Michigan’s largest multi-campus community college and No. 1 transfer institution in the state. The College provides academic, career training and enriching experiences, designed to empower students to reach their potential and enhance our community. More than 1 million students have enrolled in the College since it opened in 1965. A seven-person Board of Trustees governs OCC. Board members are elected on a non-partisan, at-large basis, serve as volunteers and are not paid. Mission statement: OCC is committed to empowering our students to succeed and advancing our community. Learn more at
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