Curriculum Review Policy

  • Policy Type: Academic Affairs 
  • Policy Title: Curriculum Review Policy
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Academic Affairs
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: N/A
  • HLC Criterion: 4A Inclusive; 4C Inclusive

Policy Statement

Curriculum review is focused on institutional priorities and accreditation requirements related to employment readiness, transfer readiness, community need and student interest. The goal of the curriculum review process is to ensure that curricula are meeting the requirements for accreditation, aligned with institutional priorities and providing an opportunity for programs and disciplines to highlight their successes and create short and long-term plans for improvement.

The Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) is a standing committee of the College Academic Senate. The CRC at OCC supports faculty in a collaborative, cyclical, data-driven process designed to review and update OCC's academic disciplines and programs, while also providing recommendations concerning curricular and academic policies.

Curriculum review procedures and data sources are fully detailed on the Curriculum Review SharePoint.

Change Log

  • 12-07-2018  Review New Policy and Recommend by Curriculum Review Committee 
  • 12-07-2018  Approved by Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 
  • 04-10-2024  Revised by Curriculum Review Committee
  • 04-19-2024  Reveiwed and recommended by SASC
  • 04-25-2024  Recommended by Academic Senate CAS

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