Board Chair's Role

  • Policy Type: Governance
  • Policy Title: Board Chair's Role
  • Policy Number: 1.7
  • Office Responsible: Board, Board Chair and CEO
  • Related Policies: 1.3 Board Responsibility, 1.5 Trustee Responsibility, and 1.6 Board Officers
  • Related Procedures: N/A
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion:  2A, 2B, 2C

Policy Statement

The Board Chair is the Chief Officer of the Board. The Board Chair shall:

  • Be a duly elected member of the Board.
  • Ensure the integrity of Board processes.
  • Lead the Board in the development, implementation, assessment, and improvement of Board goals related to governance process and Ends policies.
  • Set a positive servant leadership tone for all Trustees to follow.
  • Speak on behalf of the Board as its primary public spokesperson regarding Board decisions and in any special circumstances that are specifically authorized by the Board as a whole.
  • Represent the Board, or ensure Board representation, at official events.
  • Ensure Board and individual Trustee actions are consistent with applicable law, Board bylaws, and Board policy.
  • Confer with the CEO in the development of Board agenda to ensure timely and proper Board consideration of items requiring its attention.
  • Preside over all meetings of the Board.
      • Ensure all meetings of the Board are conducted in an efficient and effective mannerand in accordance with the bylaws and applicable law.
      • Stimulate substantive Trustee discussion on issues and decisions. o Ensure discussion and deliberation at the Board meetings focuses on issues and decisions, which, according to Board policy, belong to the Board, not the CEO.
      • Ensure all deliberation at Board meetings on issues and decisions is orderly, fair, open, and thorough.
      • Attempt to develop Trustee consensus on Board decisions.
  • Call emergency and special meetings of the Board.
  • Ensure Board and Trustee compliance with the provisions in the Governance Process and Board Staff Relationship policies.
  • Not make decisions regarding implementation of the Ends and Executive Limitations policies. Such implementation is reserved for the CEO.
  • Communicate the Board’s decisions to the CEO. Since the CEO is responsible to the entire Board, the Board Chair has no authority to unilaterally supervise or direct the CEO.
  • Ensure that the other Board members are informed of current and pending Board issues and processes.
  • Recommend to the Board members of committees established by the Board.
  • Be responsible for Board and Trustee conduct and discipline as it relates to Board policy.
  • Support and meet with the CEO on a regular basis to enhance communication, clarify Board direction as it relates to policy, and strengthen the Board-CEO relationship.
  • Ensure the Trustees are informed of Board issues and processes.
  • Ensure that all newly elected Trustees engage in Trustee orientation activities.
  • Ensure the Board participates in Board development activities.
  • Ensure the Board participates annually in self-evaluation activities.
  • Ensure the Board regularly evaluates the CEO.
  • Sign documents on behalf of the College as may be required.
  • Perform other duties as may be prescribed by law or authorized and directed by the Board. 

Change Log

  • 06-05-80  Initial Approval
  • 12-15-87  Reviewed 
  • 02-25-88  Revised
  • 04-17-18  Revised; referenced in former Policy 1.3.1
  • 04-28-20  Revised and adopted

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