Policy Statement
As a collective body, the Board fulfills its governance commitment by overseeing the operations of the College and assuring its conformance with applicable laws by
using established governing principles. The Board represents the voice of the community
owners (i.e. the citizens and business interests located in the Oakland Community
College service area) and acts in the public’s best interest. The Board recognizes
that its role is uniquely distinguishable from the responsibilities of the CEO, which
is to administer college operations. To achieve their oversight role, the Board’s primary responsibilities
are to:
- Serve as the official governance link between the College and the community at large.
- Establish, clarify, and adapt the College’s purpose, mission, and vision in ways that
reflect the needs of the community.
- Provide strategic leadership by enacting written governing policies that address these
categories: ends, executive limitations, governance processes, and the Board-CEO relationship.
- Ensure the adoption of policies and statutorily-prescribed procedures as required
by law.
- Conduct its business in compliance with the Michigan Community College Act, the Michigan
Open Meetings Act and other applicable laws.
- Select and employ a CEO. Delegate administrative authority for the College to the
CEO, support the CEO and evaluate the CEO’s performance.
- Make decisions in the areas in which the Board has prohibited the CEO as defined in
executive limitations.
- Ensure the College engages in effective planning.
- Monitor the performance of the College’s programs and services to ensure they meet
the Board’s prescribed Ends.
- Ensure the College has access to adequate financial resources and provide fiduciary
- Establish tuition and fees.
- Levy and collect taxes as authorized by law.
- Engage in professional development activities to continuously improve the Board’s
competency as a governing unit.
- Act with ethical integrity and within all legal requirements.
- Enhance the College’s public image.
- Serve as an advocate for the College to federal, state, and local governing bodies
and other public and private entities that may assist in furthering the mission of
the College.
- Attend critical community and College events in accordance with a Board engagement
strategy and schedule that is jointly prepared by the CEO and the Board Chair.
- Provide for orientation of new Trustees.
- Assess the Board’s own processes and performance annually. Self-assessment will include
comparison of Board activity and adherence to policies in the Governance Process and
Board/CEO Relationship categories.
Change Log
- 04-17-2018 Initial policy approved by Board to become effective 7-1-18
- 07-01-2018 Effective date of initial policy
- 04-28-2020 Reviewed; no change