BOT Technology Procedure

  • Procedure Type: NA
  • Procedure Title: Board of Trustees Technology Procedure
  • Procedure Number: 1.7.6
  • Office Responsible: Information Technologies
  • Related Policies: 1.7.6 Board of Trustees Technology Policy; Information Security and Acceptable Use Administrative Policy
  • Related Procedure: Information Security and Acceptable Use Administrative Procedure
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Administrative Procedure

A. College-Provided Information Technology
Information technology will be provided to the Trustees for the duration of their term of office. At the conclusion of a Trustee’s term, the technology will be returned to OCC or may be available for sale to the Trustee according to the schedule below.

If the technology in question is less than or equal to one year from the anniversary of the purchase date, then the device will be returned to OCC for redeployment. If the device is more than four years from the anniversary date, then it will be made available to the user at the warehouse sale price. If the device
is more than one year and less than four years old, then the price will be prorated on a straight-line basis until it reaches the warehouse sale price.

When a device comes to the end of its scheduled life it is disposed of following applicable Federal and State laws and guidelines

B. Handling Software
PCs sold at the warehouse sale are sold with an operating system license. Devices disposed of through this process will be released to the buyer with a valid operating system license. Any other College licensed software must be removed from the device by an OCC IT staff member or designee prior to handoff to the buyer.

C. Equipment Condition and IT Support
The devices are considered “as is,” and the College assumes no liability or responsibility for the condition, operation, or support of the device once it changes ownership.

Change Log

  • 04-16-2013  Initial Approval
  • 04-28-2020  Reviewed; no change

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