Budgeting and Forecasting

  • Policy Type: Executive Limitations
  • Policy Title: Budgeting and Forecasting
  • Policy Number: 3.4
  • Office Responsible: Board and CEO
  • Related Policies: 1.3 Board Responsibility
  • Related Procedures: N/A
  • Related Laws: Michigan Community College Act
  • HLC Criterion: 5C

Policy Statement

The Board has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that public funds are used in a transparent, ethical, and fiscally responsible manner. As such, the Board shall adopt a budget prior to the start of each fiscal year. The budget is a tool that allows the Board to make resource allocation decisions and monitor institutional performance based upon institutional strategic priorities that are focused on achieving Board Ends. This annual budget is a resource deployment plan that can be amended by the Board throughout the fiscal year to improve strategic outcomes.

To assist the Board with these functions, the CEO shall prepare and present a proposed budget for Board consideration and approval. The CEO shall then operate the College within the budget parameters approved by the Board.

Accordingly, the CEO shall not present a proposed budget that fails to:
1. Support the accomplishment of the Board’s Ends policies and the College’s strategic plan.
2. Support the continuous improvement of student learning, student success and operational effectiveness.
3. Anticipate emerging factors (such as the influence of technology, demographic shifts and globalization) on College programs and services.
4. Consider input from College employees.
5. Reasonably project cash flow, income and expenses.
6. Provide a projection of facility maintenance and improvement projects.
7. Ensure that the fund balance reflects a minimum of three months of operating expenses.
8. Provide adequate support for Board Development activities.
9. Comply with applicable law.

In addition, the CEO shall not present a proposed budget document that fails to:
1. Provide written budget assumptions.
2. Provide a format that is acceptable to the Board.
3. Provide a detailed comparison of the budgeted revenue and expenditures to prior fiscal year actual revenue and expenditures.
4. Include anticipated impact of proposed strategic initiatives on the key performance areas noted in the Monitoring College Effectiveness Policy (4.3).

Change Log

  • 04-17-2018  Initial policy approved by Board to become effective 7/1/2018
  • 07-01-2018  Effective date of initial policy
  • 04-28-2020  Revised; no change

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