Policy Statement
The CEO is the Board's primary employee and its official link to the administration
and operation of the College. The Board will instruct the CEO through written Ends
policies and will delegate to the CEO full authority to determine, implement and execute
the Means to achieve the Ends, subject to executive limitations. Although the CEO
may delegate Means authority to College’s employees, the CEO remains accountable to
the Board for Means activities and outcomes.
Thus, the Board:
- Acts as a whole in directing the activities of the CEO through the creation and implementation
of Ends policies.
- Limits the latitude of the CEO in the execution of Means activities through establishment
of Executive Limitations policies.
- Authorizes the CEO to establish all further Administrative policies, all administrative
rules, all guidelines, all procedures, make all decisions, take all actions, establish
all practices, and develop all activities using the CEO’s reasonable interpretation
of the Board's Ends and Executive Limitations policies.
- May change its Ends and Executive Limitations policies, thereby changing the scope
of authority delegated to the CEO.
- Respects and supports any CEO decision that conforms to Ends and Executive Limitation
- Recognizes that individual directives of Trustees, Board Officers, or Board Committees
are not binding on the CEO.
- May authorize by Board action, a Trustee, Board Officer, or Board Committee to direct
the CEO in rare instances.
- Consider a CEO request to waive a Board policy when it is in the best interest of
the College. Waivers shall apply to the specific instance only.
Change Log
- 04-17-2018 Initial policy approved by Board to become effective 7-1-18
- 07-01-2018 Effective date of initial policy
- 04-28-2020 Revised and adopted