Guide for Filling Trustee Vacancy

  • Procedure Type: Procedural Guide for Filling Trustee Vacancy
  • Procedure Title: NA
  • Procedure Number: 1.18
  • Office Responsible: Board of Trustees 
  • Related Policies: 1.18 Vice Chair's Role
  • Related Bylaw: Article II.  Section 7. Trustee Vacancy
  • Related Laws: Michigan Constitution Article 11, Section 8, MCL 15.261 et. seq., MCL 168.310, 311, MCL 389.157, 158
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Procedure Statement

In accordance with the Board Trustee Vacancy Policy 1.18, the following procedure was developed to be consistent with the Board Board Bylaw Article II. Trustees Section 7. Trustee Vacancy, Board Trustee Vacancy Policy 1.18, and applicable law.

Appendix Index:

  1. Trustee Vacancy Announcement
  2. Application
  3. Written Response Questions for Applicants
  4. Interviewer Criteria Reference
  5. Resolution


  1. Vacancy is effective immediately as soon as the seat is vacant.
  2. Vacancy must be filled within thirty (30) days.
  3. Considered candidates;
    1. must be at least the age of eighteen, at the time of application
    2. must be a resident of Oakland County (A place where a person habitually sleeps, keeps his or her personal effects, has a regular place of lodging.” MCL 168.11)
    3. must not have been convicted of a felony involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud or breach of the public trust with in the prior twenty (20) years, and the conviction was related to the individuals’ official capacity while holding any elective office or position of employment in local, state, or federal government (MI Constitution Article 11, Section 8).

Procedural Timeline

Day 1

  1. Vacancy Posting Media Releases (Appendix I) posted, but not limited to: College website, social media, newspapers, marketing list, last non-elected candidates who ran for OCC trustee.
  2. Special Meeting Scheduled within the allotted thirty (30) days.

Day 2-10

  1. Applications (Appendix II) are received.

Day 11

  1. All qualified applications sent to Board of Trustees electronically for preview.
  2. Qualified candidates invited to the next Board of Trustees public meeting for interviews (if three (3) or less candidates received).

Day 13-30

  1. Regular or Special Board of Trustees Public meeting takes place and includes interviewing (Appendix III & IV) of all qualified candidates.
  2. Board of Trustees vote in public at meeting for their selection to fill the vacancy.
  3. If more than three (3) qualified candidates apply, the Board of Trustees will meet at their Regular or Special Board of Trustees Public meeting to bring forth their candidate lists, in rank order, to be given to the Board Secretary. At said public meeting, the Board Secretary shall tally the Trustee lists, and provide the names of the top three (3) individuals to the Board Chair for announcement, public discussion, consensus and public vote regarding the top three (3) candidates for public interview.  The announced top three (3) candidates will be interviewed at the next Regular or Special Board of Trustees Public meeting.
  4. Selected qualified candidates will be invited to the next public meeting for interviews.
  5. Regular or Special Board of Trustees Public meeting takes place and includes interviewing of the candidates.
  6. Board of Trustees vote in public at meeting for their selection to fill the vacancy.
  7. Each vote shall be recorded in the Board meeting minutes. The motion requires a majority vote of the remaining Trustees on the Board to pass. Resolution (Appendix V) to accompany the motion, which is to be signed by the trustees in attendance.

Appendix I

Trustee Vacancy Announcement

[The following language can be utilized if the vacancy occurred for a position which was scheduled to expire during the next regularly scheduled election or prior to 7 days before the next election’s filing deadline.

Oakland Community College is seeking applications for the current vacant position on the Board of Trustees. An individual will be appointed to fill the vacant position through December 31, 20XX, and will be replaced by the individual elected to the position (based upon the November XX, 20XX election results) on Jan. 1, 20XX.

[The following language can be utilized if the vacancy occurred within 7 days of the next election’s filing deadline and is for a position which was not scheduled to expire during the next regularly scheduled election.

Oakland Community College is seeking applications for the current vacant position on the Board of Trustees. An individual will be appointed to fill the vacant position until the November XX, 20XX elections have been held and certified and a newly elected individual has been sworn in to fill the remainder of this position’s term. 

[Once one of the above paragraphs has been chosen, the posting can be completed with the following information.

Interested persons must submit an application and complete sample interview questions (INSERT LINK TO FILLABLE FORM) for the Board of Trustees position to Oakland Community College’s Auburn Hills Campus, MTEC Building or via email at no later than (Enter Time) p.m. on (Enter Date). Following a review of the submitted materials, the Board will schedule interviews with selected candidates at a Regular or Special Board of Trustees public meeting. It is possible that all of candidates for the Board vacancy may not be interviewed. If you have any questions concerning the role of the Trustee and the responsibilities of a Board of Trustees member, please contact Kathleen Kelly at 248-341-2117 or email

Appendix II

Application for Oakland Community CollegeTrustee

  1. Full Name
  2. Current Address
  3. Home Phone                                  
  4. Cell Phone
  5. Email Address          
  6. Current position or occupation
  7. If employed, Employer's Name 
  8. Business Phone        
  9. Business Address
  10. Educational Background: (Most recent first)
  11. Honors or Awards
  12. Community activities and/or involvements (Last 5 years)
  13. Professional activities and memberships
  14. Current social issues of personal interest and involvement
  15. Experience on a Board of Directors or in Trusteeship
  16. Current and past associations with Oakland Community College

I certify that I am at least eighteen years old, and a resident of Oakland County Michigan. In addition, I have not been convicted of a felony involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud or breach of the public trust within the prior twenty (20) years, and the conviction was not related to my official capacity while holding any elective office or position of employment in local, state, or federal government (Michigan Constitution of 1963 Article 11, Section 8), and I authorize the College to verify the same.

Signature of Trustee Applicant &Date

Appendix III

Written Response Questions for Trustee Vacancy Included with Application

  1. Why are you interested in serving on the Board of Trustees?
  2. What do you see as the role of a Board of Trustees member?
  3. What qualities, skills and experience would you bring to the Board?
  4. What is your vision of the College?
  5. What are the biggest challenges facing community colleges today?
  6. What do you see as the roles and responsibilities of Board of Trustees members?
  7. Describe how you’ll advocate openness and democratic processes in all Board activities with emphasis on team decision-making and consensus.
  8. What are your ideas that would put students first?
  9. Do you have the time and flexibility to attend the board meetings and College functions?
  10. How can a Board know if its goals are being accomplished and its policies carried out?
  11. Describe your response if a student or community member approached you in the grocery store and asked for your support on a particularly hot issue?
  12. What do you know about Oakland Community College?

Appendix IV

Interviewer Criteria Pages


1. Student Advocate. The candidate demonstrates a belief and true commitment to putting students first, the successful future of all students in the College, and a proven history of advocacy on their behalf.


2.  Commitment to Public Community College Education. The candidate demonstrates a passion for public community college education, providing a quality education, and is not driven by their own personal agenda or political aspirations. 


3. Leadership. The candidate demonstrates a passion for moving the College forward, is an innovative collaborative problem solver who is effective in building consensus, is not adverse to change and reform, and committed to transparency in decision making. 


4. Board Policy Governance Model. The candidate demonstrates an awareness of the Board’s policy governance model and the ability to rely on data and facts in decision making. 


5.  Commitment to DEIJ. The candidate demonstrates a commitment to the values of diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice as it relates to the college community including without limitation students and employees. 


6. Fiduciary Oversight Role. The candidate demonstrates an understanding of the fiduciary oversight role of a Trustee with the responsibility of determining College priorities through ENDS policies and dedicating resources to priorities while maintaining a balanced budget. 


7.  Higher Education Issues. The candidate demonstrates an awareness of current issues in higher education that affect community colleges and OCC in particular.


8. . Time Commitment. The candidate demonstrates an understanding and commitment to regular attendance of Board meetings, committee work, professional development, and being well informed of issues coming before the Board.


9.  Integrity. The candidate has a demonstrated reputation for honesty, integrity and trustworthiness and adheres to a high ethical standard.


10. Community Outreach. The candidate demonstrates an understanding of the importance of engaging the community


Appendix V

Resolution of the Board of Trustees

Whereas a vacancy exists on the Oakland Community College’s Board of Trustees as of (Enter Date); and

Whereas this board of trustees has by law authority to fill a vacancy for the unexpired term thereof;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by a majority vote of all the remaining members of the Oakland Community College Board of Trustees that  (Name of New Trustee) be and hereby is, appointed to serve as a member of the Oakland Community College Board of Trustees through the next scheduled election on (Enter Date);.


Change Log

  • 01-11-2022  Adopted
  • 06-18-2024  Revised

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