Mileage and Misc, Expenses Procedure

  • Procedure Type: Board
  • Procedure Title: Mileage and Miscellaneous Expenses
  • Procedure Number: 1.17
  • Office Responsible: Board, Board Chair, CFO
  • Related Policies: 1.16 Travel Expenses
  • Related Procedures: 1.16 Travel Expense Procedure
  • Related Laws: IRS regulations
  • HLC Criterion: N/A

Administrative Procedure

A. Mileage reimbursement requests shall be submitted to the CEO's office for signature approval from the Board Chair (Board Chair by the Board Vice Chair) on the Mileage Expense Form (FS 02). The form will then be forwarded to the CFO for reimbursement.

B. Miscellaneous expenses, such as meals, shall be submitted to the CEO's office for signature approval by the Board Chair (Board Chair by the Board Vice Chair) on the Mileage Expense Form (FS 02). The form will then be forwarded to the CFO for reimbursement.

Change Log

  • 03-24-1983  Initial Approval
  • 04-28-1997  Reviewed 
  • 04-17-2018  Revised; referenced in former Policy 1.6.5

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