Policy Creation & Review

  • Policy Type: Board Governance Process
  • Policy Title: Policy Creation and Review
  • Policy Number: 1.4
  • Office Responsible: Board and CEO
  • Related Policies: N/A
  • Related Procedures: Included in Policy
  • Related Laws: Michigan Open Meeting Act
  • HCL Creation: 2A, 2C

Policy Statement

College policies are guiding or governing principles developed in furtherance of the College’s mission and values. Policies do not include procedures used to implement them. 

Policies shall be:

  1. Presented in a common format
  2. Maintained centrally, electronically-accessible, and available in hard copy
  3. Linked electronically to any relevant procedures (if applicable) for implementing the policy
  4. Regularly reviewed within a five-year time frame

Division of Responsibility:

The responsibility for formulating College policies shall be divided as follows:

Board Policies:

  1. The Board is responsible for adopting broad strategic, value based policies for the oversight of the operation of the College. As such, the Board will set policy in these areas: Ends, Executive Limitations, Board Staff Relationship, and Governance Process.
  2. All Board Policies shall be formally approved by the Board and available on the College public web page.

Administrative Policies:

  1. The CEO is responsible for developing, implementing, and executing administrative policies, rules, guidelines, and procedures for employees to follow in implementing College policies.
  2. The CEO shall collaborate, as needed, with appropriate stakeholders in the development and implementation of administrative policies, rules, guidelines, and procedures.
  3. Establishing specific tactical decisions and procedures for implementing administrative policies, rules, and/or guidelines shall be the responsibility of operating units or positions designated by the CEO.
  4. The CEO shall provide Administrative policies to the Board for informational purposes and make them available on the College public web page, as appropriate.

Standard Format for Policies:

Policies shall follow an established, consistent format per Exhibit A.

Initiating Board Policy:

Board Policies shall be initiated in accordance with the Procedure for initiating a policy. All Board policies shall be initiated in accordance with the Board’s designated Procedure for Board Policy initiation (see below). 

Board Policy Action:

In order to ensure public transparency and accountability, newly proposed Board policies and substantive changes to existing Board policies shall be presented at a properly-noticed public Board meeting for at least two readings before they may be acted upon. The purpose of the first reading is to present the proposed Board policy or substantive change to the public and allow for comment. After the first reading, and prior to second reading, the public and additional college stakeholders may provide additional input to the CEO, which may result in revisions to the proposed Board policy or substantive change. The purpose of the second reading is to provide final public comment followed by Board action.

In an emergency, the Board may act—by a supermajority vote--upon a new Board policy proposal or a substantive change at the first reading. In this situation, Board policy adoption will be considered provisional and shall not become final until the conclusion of the second reading and final action. Revisions to a provisionally approved Board policy may be proposed between provisional and final adoption.

As part of the Board’s ongoing policy review responsibility, revised Board policies that do not substantially change the intent or direction of the policy may be adopted after first reading at the discretion of the Board. In addition, the Board empowers the CEO to make non-substantive changes to policy without Board action when clarity is needed to reflect changes in college operations.

After the first reading, any proposed Board policy may be removed from consideration or rejected by a majority vote at the next properly-noticed Board meeting.

Unless otherwise noted, Board policies may only be acted upon by a majority vote of the memberselect of the Board at a properly noticed public Board meeting at which a quorum is present.

In rare instances where the Board, at its discretion, may need additional information about a particular Board policy or substantive change, it may choose to have additional readings beyond a second reading.

Harmony with Law and Collective Bargaining Agreements:

All policies shall comply with all applicable laws. If any policy (or portion thereof) is found to be in conflict with an applicable law, the policy or conflicting provision will be temporarily suspended. The elements of the policy that are not in conflict with the law shall continue to be in effect as long as the policy’s intended purpose can still be achieved. Subsequently, the policy will be revised to comply with the law.

If any policy (or portion thereof) is found to be in conflict with collective bargaining agreements through the grievance and/or arbitration process, the collective bargaining agreement shall supersede the policy. In this situation, the policy may be revised to be consistent with the collective bargaining provision.

Supersedes Prior Policies:

Policies adopted by the Board shall supersede all previous versions and related procedures.


New and amended policies shall be communicated and be accessible through the College’s website. 

Policy Rights:

Policies are not contractual in nature and are not intended to create any contractual, liberty, and/or property rights. Board policies may be changed and/or repealed at the sole discretion of the Board. Administrative policies, rules, guidelines and procedures may be changed by the CEO in collaboration, as needed, with appropriate shareholders, as needed. 

Change Log

  • 06-05-1980  Initial Approval
  • 01-17-2017  Revised
  • 04-17-2018  Revised; referenced in former Policies 1.7.2, 1.7.3, and 1.7.4
  • 04-28-2020  Revised and adopted

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