Strategic Planning

  • Policy Type: Executive Limitations
  • Policy Title: Strategic Planning
  • Policy Number: 3.9
  • Office Responsible: CEO
  • Related Policies: 2.3 Delegation to the CEO
  • Related Procedures: N/A
  • Related Laws: N/A
  • HLC Criterion: 1A, 5C

Policy Statement

The Board clearly articulates the College’s purpose on behalf of the community through the Board’s Ends statements. The Board delegates to the CEO the responsibility for developing and implementing a strategic plan (a Means document) designed to achieve these Ends. The CEO, in performing this responsibility, shall interpret the Board’s Ends, and develop an inclusive and collaborative strategic planning process that identifies initiatives and resources needed for employees to achieve them. The strategic plan shall support the College’s Mission, Values and Vision and ensure College priorities are aligned with the achievement of the Board’s Ends. The strategic plan shall include initiatives that are, in the CEO’s expertise, most likely to achieve the Board’s Ends within the parameters of the Board‘s Executive Limitations policies. Strategic plan initiatives shall also be established within the context of HLC requirements, best practices and emerging trends.

The Board, in collaboration with the CEO, shall periodically monitor the College’s progress in achieving the strategic plan’s initiatives in order to strengthen the alignment between Board expectations and employee effort and improve institutional effectiveness. Additionally, the Board and CEO shall monitor changes in critical assumptions underpinning the strategic plan, which may prompt revisions to it. The College’s strategic plan will be publicly available on the College’s webpage.

Accordingly, the CEO shall develop and implement a strategic plan that:

  • Supports and aligns with the Board’s Ends.
  • Reflects the College’s Mission, Values, and Vision statements.
  • Allocates resources in alignment with the College’s Mission and Vision and with the Board’s Ends.
  • Links College processes for assessment of student learning, evaluation of operations, planning and budgeting.
  • Is comprehensive in scope.
  • Includes cycles of evaluation based on data to be conducted in an environment of collaborative decision making by the relevant college stakeholders.
  • Considers the College’s current capacity, including the availability of resources.
  • Considers critical assumptions about the future, including without limitation, the possible impact of fluctuations in revenue sources, enrollment, the economy, and all forms of federal, state, and local support.
  • Anticipates emerging factors, such as technology, demographic shifts and globalization.
  • Results from a collaborative development process that actively engages internal and external stakeholders.
  • Ensures continuous improvement of the plan’s effectiveness through a monitoring system that includes reports to the Board on the College’s progress towards realizing the plan and any changes in critical assumptions.

Change Log

  • 04-17-2018  Initial policy approved by Board to become effective 7-1-2018
  • 07-01-2018  Effective date of initial policy
  • 04-28-2020  Reviewed; no change

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