Travel Expenses

  • Policy Type: Board
  • Policy Title: Travel Expenses
  • Policy Number: 1.16
  • Office Responsible: Board Chair, CEO and CFO
  • Related Policies: 1.17 Mileage and Miscellaneous Expenses
  • Related Procedures: 1.16 Travel Expenses Procedure and 1.17 Mileage and Miscellaneous Expenses Procedure
  • Related Laws: IRS Regulations
  • HLC Criterion: N/A

Policy Statement

Trustees are expected to participate in conferences and educational opportunities to support their effective governance. Reasonable expenses incurred to attend opportunities related to College business shall be reimbursed according to State and Federal law and the guidelines contained in this policy. The Board recognizes, however, exceptions to the guidelines may be necessary on rare occasions. Such exceptions must be pre-approved in advance whenever possible by the Board Chair.

In accordance with this policy, the College will reimburse Trustees for necessary expenses while traveling on official College business and related events. All such activity must have prior approval by the Board of Trustees, except where the Trustee has been appointed by the Board to serve as a delegate/alternate to organizations of which the College is a member, or in emergencies. In such emergencies, the Board Chair (or Board Vice Chair in the Board Chair’s absence) must approve the trip in advance of travel. All expenses must stand the test of reasonableness.

Trustees may be called upon by the Board Chair to report back information learned during attendance at such events. Upon such a request, the Trustee shall complete and return the attached form to the Board Chair. The Board Chair may also request a Trustee verbally present the report at a Board meeting. New
Trustees shall receive orientation on expected educational travel.

  1. Out-of-state travel shall require prior approval by the Board Chair (or Vice Chair in the Board Chair’s absence or for a Board Chair request) taking into consideration, budget availability, conference agenda and number of Trustees attending. Travel requests by the Board Chair shall require prior approval by the Vice Chair.
  2. All international travel outside of the continental United States must be approved by Board majority.
  3. Departure or arrival dates for an event shall be no more than the day before or the day after the official meeting dates.
  4. Trustees should obtain travel insurance when booking a trip. The College shall reimburse Trustees for the cost of the travel insurance. Trustees who do not obtain travel insurance and cancel a trip once it is booked may be responsible for all costs unless serious documented issues arise for the Trustee outside of their reasonable control.
  5. Trustees who wish to travel to a Board-approved event should make every reasonable effort to register before the registration deadline. If a Trustee registers after the registration deadline for a Board pre-approved trip, the Trustee shall cover the costs for all late fees and the difference in travel costs incurred by the late notice to the College. Depending on the circumstances for the late registration the Board Chair may waive this requirement. The Trustee shall pay the costs prior to the College booking and/or charging the travel and/or event/conference costs.
  6. Trustees are prohibited from holding a College-owned credit card.
  7. Reimbursement for meal expenses will be made to Trustees whose travel requests are preapproved. Meals shall be reimbursed based on the current rate allowed by the IRS for per diem meal rates based on geographical areas published by the U.S. General Services Administration. The College will not reimburse for alcoholic beverages of any kind.
  8. If Trustees sign up for a registration package that includes meals, reimbursement will not be made for the meals previously paid for through the registration fee unless a majority of the Board agrees.
  9. Reimbursement for lodging will be consistent with the geographical area or at the ongoing convention rate.
  10. Reimbursement for common carrier will generally be limited to coach class fare plus luggage, meal, or other similar airline add-on costs. Exceptions may be made by approval of the Board when the trip is excessively long or for other mitigating circumstances. Reimbursement for transportation to and/or from an airport, if by public transportation, limousine, or taxi (or rental car if no public transportation, limo, or taxi are available) shall be reimbursed at the actual expense. All expenses shall be supported by a receipt, whenever possible. Trustees may use their personal vehicle and be reimbursed per the IRS mileage reimbursement rate when transportation is not available or when use of a personal vehicle is more cost effective for the College.
  11. The College will reimburse mileage at the current rate allowed by the IRS for business mileage. The rate will be adjusted whenever that information is made available by the IRS.
  12. Trustees seeking reimbursement for expenses will use the appropriate College forms and procedures.
  13. The College will reimburse Trustees only for their own expenses. Expenses of their spouses, dependents, or friends are not covered.
  14. The College will not reimburse expenses for personal items, services, or activities. Expenses resulting from extenuating circumstances may be approved by the Board Chair within the guidelines as set forth by the Internal Revenue Service.
  15. While a personal car may be used for out-of-state trips, the cost of mileage shall not exceed the cost of coach air fare. When this occurs, the individual may request reimbursement at the commercial air rate in lieu of mileage. Any additional travel expenses incurred because of the selection of a slower conveyance shall be considered a personal expense.
  16. Should a Trustee plan to stop in-route to or from a conference for personal business or pleasure, where the additional cost would incur additional expenses for the College, the added costs shall be borne by the Trustee. 
  17. If a Trustee prefers to stay at a hotel/motel other than that scheduled by the conference, reimbursement shall not exceed the regular rate of the conference hotel/motel except in cases where accommodations at the scheduled establishment are not available.
  18. Should the Trustee’s spouse, children, or guest accompany him/her, lodging reimbursement shall be made at the rate that would be incurred if the Trustee occupied the room alone. When there is a difference in the room rate, the Trustee shall request that the single rate be noted on the hotel/motel bill by the management at the time of checkout.
  19. Trustees are prohibited to travel if they have outstanding debt to the College for which they have received notice over 30 days prior, and no arrangements for payment have been approved by the Board Chair.
  20. The College may reimburse Trustees for mileage expenses while traveling to any campus if reimbursement is not otherwise permitted under this policy.
  21. All parking costs and tolls will be reimbursed. When possible long-term or extended lot parking should be used.
  22. Telephone, mobile devices, facsimile, and internet access fees will be reimbursed when incurred for College business purposes during the trip. Every effort should be made to access free wireless or internet access when available, if it is secure.
  23. Any frequent flyer mile accrued by the Trustee shall belong to the Trustee and may be used at their discretion for personal travel.
  24. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Trustee to be sufficiently insured when using personal vehicles to travel on College business. The College will not reimburse Trustees for damage to personal vehicles.

Change Log

  • 03-24-1983  Initial Approval
  • 11-1987  Reviewed 
  • 12-17-1987  Revised
  • 11-19-1992  Revised
  • 04-22-1993  Revised
  • 12-16-1996  Revised
  • 04-28-1997  Revised
  • 10-15-2007 Revised
  • 05-17-2010  Revised
  • 04-17-2010  Revised; referenced in former Policy 1.6.5 
  • 04-28-2020  Reviewed; no change 

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