Trustee Responsibility

  • Policy Type: Governance
  • Policy Title: Trustee Responsibility
  • Policy Number: 1.5
  • Office Responsible: Board
  • Related Policies; 1.1 Governance Commitment, 1.2 Governing Principles, 1.3 Board Responsibility, and 2.1 Unity of Control
  • Related Procedures: N/A
  • Related Laws: Michigan Community College Act
  • HLC Criterion: 2A, 2B, 2C

Policy Statement

The Board functions as a collective body; therefore, no Trustee has individual authority to act on behalf of the Board. The success of the Board depends on each individual Trustee, the duly elected representatives and voice of the College’s community, to exercise his or her legislative responsibility in a positive way. To that end, in the execution of their Board responsibilities, individual Trustees shall:

  • Increase their knowledge of college operations, community needs, and socioeconomic trends to improve their decision-making competence and strengthen community commitment.
  • Act in a way that inspires confidence, builds public trust, and is consistent with the best interests of the College.
  • Focus on the mission of the College.
  • Act in an ethical and responsible manner.
  • Participate at Board meetings through appropriate preparation, regular attendance, active participation in Board discussions, and volunteering for ad hoc committee or other Board tasks.
  • Understand and support the Board governance concepts, Board policies, and Board operations.
  • Develop and maintain an in-depth knowledge of the community and its needs.
  • Maintain a working knowledge of the college’s organization, programs and services, facilities, and budget.
  • Become well informed about major initiatives of the College.
  • Engage in Board and self-development activities designed to promote Board effectiveness.
  • Participate in new Trustee orientation development activities.
  • Present a positive image of the College to the community.
  • Respect the collective decisions of the Board.
  • Maintain CEO-Employee relationships by not engaging in internal individual or collective interests. It is also improper for students, faculty, administrators or other employees of the College to submit to the unofficial demands of individual Trustees or seek the participation of individual Board members in the daily administration and operation of the College, or solicit or use individual Trustees to promote personal or collective constituent goals.
  • Refer questions regarding college staffing and operations to the CEO.
  • Serve as an informed volunteer to participate in legislative events and promote the College’s legislative agenda as recommended by the CEO.
  • Attend critical community and College events in accordance with a schedule that is jointly prepared by the CEO and Board Chair.

Change Log

  • 04-17-2018  Initial policy approved by Board to become effective 7/1/2018
  • 07-01-2018  Effective date of initial policy
  • 04-28-2020  Reviewed; no change


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