Workplace Threats & Violence

  • Policy Type: Board
  • Policy Title: Workplace Threats and Violence
  • Policy Number: 0.0.7
  • Office Responsible: Public Safety
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Policy Statement

Oakland Community College places the highest priority on the safety and security of its employees, students and others on College property and our policy is to maintain a work environment free from intimidation, threats, or violent acts. The College therefore takes a zero tolerance position whereby violent acts of any
kind including threats and abusive language will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, threats, threatening or hostile behavior, physical abuse, vandalism, arson, sabotage, use of weapons, carrying weapons onto College property, or any other acts or threats of violence against employees, students, or
others, by anyone on College property, which in management’s judgment is inappropriate to the workplace or educational environment. In addition, bizarre or offensive comments regarding violent events and/or behavior are not tolerated.

Any individual who makes substantial threats, exhibits threatening behavior, or engages in violent acts on College property shall be removed from the premises as quickly as safety permits and shall remain off College property pending the outcome of an investigation. As part of the investigation process employees or others may be subject to the search of their person, personal effects, or College-provided material pursuant to Public Safety General Order #91-19 (Searching of Offices on Campus).

Any employee, student, or others who feel subjected to any of the behaviors listed above should immediately report the incident to any supervisor, Human Resources representative or Public Safety officer. Employees should directly contact Public Safety if they believe there is an immediate threat to their safety and health or the safety and health of others. Complaints will receive attention and the situation will be investigated. Based upon the results of the investigation, disciplinary action, if appropriate, will be taken against the offender which may include, but is not limited to, student suspension or dismissal, suspension and/or
termination of any business relationship, reassignment of job duties, suspension or termination of employment, arrest and prosecution.

No existing College policy, practice, or procedure should be interpreted to prohibit decisions designed to prevent a threat from being carried out, a violent act from occurring or a life threatening situation from developing.

All individuals who apply for or obtain a protective or restraining order which lists College locations as being protected areas, must provide to the Human Resources and Public Safety Departments a copy of the petition and declarations used to seek the order, a copy of any temporary protective or restraining order, and a copy of any protective or restraining order which is made permanent. Oakland Community College understands the sensitivity of the information requested and respects the privacy of the reporting employee(s). All information will be kept confidential on a need to know basis

Change Log

  • 09-16-1996  Initial Approval
  • 04-28-2020  Reviewed; no change

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