Campus Security and Safety

  • Policy Type: Facilities, Property and Safety
  • Policy Title: Campus Security and Safety 
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Business Services
  • Related Policies: N/A
  • Related Procedures: N/A
  • Related Laws: N/A
  • HLC Criterion: N/A

Policy Statement

In accordance with the Community College Act of 1966, OCC grants its Public Safety Officers the powers and authority of peace or law enforcement officers under the code of criminal procedure, 1927 P A 175, MCL 761.1 to 776.22 and as provided under the Michigan Vehicle Code, 1947 P A 300, MCL 257.1 to 257.923.

In compliance with Michigan Compiled Law 389.128, the Board of Trustees of the College has created and will continue to maintain a Public Safety Advisory Committee to receive and address grievances against the Department of Public Safety or its officers

Change Log

  • 07-01-2018  Effective date

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