
  • Policy Type: Business Management
  • Policy Title: Contracts
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Business Services
  • Related Policies: N/A
  • Related Procedures: N/A
  • Related Laws: N/A
  • HLC Criterion: N/A

Policy Statement

Business Contracts
All College business contracts including but not limited to, purchases, rentals, facility use, leases, independent contractor agreements, maintenance agreements, and memorandums of understanding are to be sent to Purchasing Services for proper review and determination of signing authority. This includes all agreements, including but not limited to those which do not involve the transfer of funds between the College and the vendor. Purchasing will route agreements as necessary to the Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs for review prior to execution. Purchasing maintains the electronic and paper storage of all business contracts for future retrieval. 

Signing Authority
The Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, through the authority of the Chancellor is provided with business signing authority. This authority is delegated to the Director of Purchasing and Auxiliary Services for business obligations less than $50,000 and to the Executive Director for Facilities and Operations for construction contracts. All financial or business agreements not signed by one of these individuals will be deemed an illegal agreement, made in violation of College policy and will be the sole responsibility of the signer.

Professional Services
The use of professional assistance and the services of other persons not regularly employed by the College shall be encouraged where such services provide the most efficient, effective, and economical means of accomplishing the College needs. Such services are subject to the bidding requirements as set by the purchase amount. In some cases, the selection of appropriate consultants and the extent of their services shall be determined by the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services and/or their designee. The bidding process may be waived when circumstances make its use impractical; however when this occurs, the reason for waiver must be documented, approved by the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services and submitted to Purchasing. 

Change Log

  • 08-21-1980  Approved (3.5.1)
  • 08-21-1980  Approved (3.5.3)
  • 07-26-1990  Revised (3.5.1)
  • 07-26-1990  Revised (3.5.3)
  • 09-26-1991  Revised (3.5.1)
  • 07-01-2018  Effective date (formerly 3.5.1 and 3.5.3)

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