1. Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this policy is to promote the safe and proper use of College vehicles,
to facilitate the safety of drivers and passengers, and to minimize the potential
of damage or loss. This policy further outlines uniform procedures for safety guidelines,
reporting requirements, and regularly occurring maintenance obligations. This procedure
applies to all drivers of College vehicles and those operating personal vehicles within
the scope of their employment.
II. Policy Statement
It is the policy of the College that all College vehicles be operated in a safe and
responsible manner in accordance with state law and local ordinances, and federal
regulations. All authorized drivers must possess a valid driver’s license and follow
the requirements and procedures set forth herein.
III. Definitions
- Authorized Driver - An Authorized Driver is one who meets all of the qualifications
described in the Authorized Drivers and Driver Responsibility sections (Sections IV
and VII).
- College Vehicle - Any authorized vehicle that is, or may be, licensed for highway
use and is owned, leased, or rented by the College, or for which the College is otherwise
legally responsible. This includes unlicensed vehicles that are eligible for licensing,
but are exempt because they are only used on College property.
IV. Minimum Qualifications for Authorized Drivers
Only drivers that meet all of the below listed criteria (Driver Qualifications and
Acceptable Driving History) may be authorized by the College to operate College vehicles
following approval by their supervisor. An Authorized Driver shall become “unauthorized”
when they no longer meet Acceptable Driving History requirements. Supervisors reserve
the authority to approve the operation of College vehicle(s) for a limited purpose
and/or duration.
1. Driver Qualifications
At a minimum, an Authorized Driver must meet the following qualifications:
- Must be an employee of the College
- Not less than 21 years of age
- Driving experience – At least five (5) years of driving experience
- Requirement – A valid U.S. driver’s license that allows legal operation in the U.S.
and that is also appropriate for the type of vehicle the driver is seeking authorization
to operate.
Acceptable Driving History – An Authorized Driver must satisfy driving history requirements
in paragraph IV.2. Any driver seeking to operate a College Vehicle must provide their
license information to Human Resources to allow the College to access the driver’s
license history prior to them operating the vehicle. Note: Request for a record review
must be submitted ten (10) days prior to vehicle use date. At a minimum, Human Resources
will review an Authorized Driver’s license information on an annual basis. The College
further authorizes the Human Resources Department to periodically review an Authorized
Driver’s license information to assess compliance with this policy and procedures.
2. Acceptable Driving History
No major violations in the past five (5) years of the following:
- Manslaughter, negligent homicide, or other felony involving use of a motor vehicle
- Operating under the influence of liquor or drugs, DUI, etc.
- Operating while visibly impaired
- Failing to stop and give identification at the scene of a crash
- Reckless driving
- Refusal to take a chemical test
- Fleeing or eluding a police officer
- Drag racing
- Failure to yield/show due caution for emergency vehicles
- Driving at 16 mph or more over the legal speed limit
Not more than one violation assigned three (3) points under the Michigan Motor Vehicle
Code in the past three (3) years – examples include:
- Careless driving
- Disobeying a traffic signal or stop sign or improper passing
- 11 to 15 mph over the legal speed limit
- Failure to stop at a railroad crossing
- Failure to stop for a school bus or for disobeying a school crossing guard
Not more than two violations assigned two (2) points under the Michigan Motor Vehicle
Code in the past two (2) years – examples include:
- Six (6) to ten (10) mph over the legal speed limit
- Open alcohol container in vehicle
- All other moving violations of traffic laws
3. Physical Limitation or Restrictions
Any person operating a College vehicle must have the physical ability to do so without
endangering themselves, their passengers, other motorists, pedestrians, or any other
person or property. Any restrictions (e.g., corrective lenses, not operating after
dark, special controls, etc.) indicated on the license of an authorized driver must
be followed.
V. Safe Operation of College Vehicles/Accident Reporting
All motor vehicle accidents involving College vehicles and rental cars must be reported
immediately, first to the local police department within the jurisdiction where the
accident occurred (when not on an OCC campus), then to the driver’s supervisor (or
appropriate department responsible for the use of the vehicle), as well as the rental
car agency (if applicable), no matter how small the cost of damage or who is at fault.
If the accident occurs on campus, it must be reported to OCC’s Public Safety.
The Authorized Driver is responsible to provide appropriate information to his or
her supervisor/appropriate
department for retrieving a copy of the accident report. If the accident involves
a College vehicle, the
information must also be sent to the Manager of Environmental Health and Safety/Risk
Management as soon as
possible by the supervisor.
VI. Driver Responsibilities
- College Business - Only employees directly involved in College business may be transported in the vehicle,
and not for any other purpose.
- Traffic Laws and Requirements - Authorized Drivers are expected to follow all applicable traffic laws and regulations
while operating a College vehicle.
- Safe Operation - Authorized drivers are expected to operate College vehicles in a safe and responsible
manner. Any violation of traffic laws or regulations, including tickets, fines and
costs, is the responsibility of the driver.
- Smoking/Alcohol/Illegal Drugs - Smoking, illegal drug possession and use, and the consumption of alcohol is strictly
prohibited in College vehicles.
- Impairment Due to Consumption of Alcohol and Drugs - Operating a College vehicle under the influence of intoxicants and/or other drugs,
including prescription drugs, (which could impair driving ability) by Authorized Drivers
is strictly forbidden and is sufficient cause for discipline, up to and including
termination of employment. An Authorized Driver may be assessed for the loss or damage
of a College vehicle if any loss or damage was caused while driving under the influence
of alcohol or drugs, or reckless driving.
- Mobile Electronic Devices, Cell Phones and Audio Devices - The manual use of mobile electronic devices, cell phones or other hand-held electronic
devices while the vehicle is in motion is prohibited, except in emergencies. Michigan
law prohibits drivers from reading, manually typing or sending a text message while
driving. MCL 257.602(b). The use of these devices in a voice operated or hands free
mode, without the use of hands to operate, is permitted provided that the volume levels
allow the driver to hear traffic warning devices and oncoming emergency vehicles.
This section does not apply to OCC’s Public Safety Officers who are carrying out their
official duties as Police Officers.
- Driver/Passenger/Occupant Safety - All occupants must be seated and secured with seat belts either designed and installed
by the vehicle manufacturer or intended for aftermarket installation by a qualified
mechanic. Passengers are not permitted to ride in the bed or cargo area of the vehicle,
sit on the tailgate or sides or a truck bed, nor may passengers be permitted to extend
their arms or legs beyond the vehicle while it is moving. Additionally, passengers
are not permitted to ride in a trailer while it is being towed.
- Hazardous Materials - Hazardous materials may not be transported in a College vehicle unless prior approval
has been obtained from the Manager of Environmental Health & Safety/Risk Management.
All MDOT/DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulations must be adhered to. Hazardous
materials could include, but are not limited to: chemicals, biological, and radioactive
- Animals - College vehicles may not be used to transport animals, unless the animal is a Service
Animal as defined by state and federal law as well as OCC policy, and the Service
Animal owner has requested an accommodation through ACCESS (Student) or Human Resources
- Foreign Travel - Prior to driving a vehicle in a foreign country (e.g., Canada), authorized drivers
must become familiar with all traffic laws and accident procedures in that country.
Authorized Drivers are personally responsible to ensure their compliance with all
local motor vehicle laws including licensure, qualifications, and operations.
- Towing - Any individual who will be towing a trailer while operating a College vehicle must
be an authorized driver who has received prior approval from their supervisor. Trailers
must be inspected for safety issues prior to use. Any trailer operated on public roads
must be licensed.
- - - College vehicles must be returned to the originating location and may not be
kept overnight unless prior permission has been obtained.
*Authorized drivers who misuse College vehicles may be personally liable and responsible
for charges and legal
expenses to persons or third parties and the College.
VII. Management Responsibilities
- Policy Awareness - Supervisors shall provide every authorized driver with a copy of
this Policy and Procedures and explain their obligation to operate the College vehicle
in a safe manner, comply with traffic laws, and practice defensive driving.
- Driver Authorization and Periodic Review - Human Resources shall order driving records
and perform other due diligence necessary to determine whether a driver meets the
minimum requirements to become and continue as an Authorized Driver. However, it is
the supervisor’s responsibility to make the request of Human Resources for a drivers’
license check and compliant driving history under the requirements of IV.2. of this
procedure, before the employee can operate a vehicle within the scope of their employment.
When a driving record indicates a failure to meet the minimum requirements, Human
Resources will advise the employee’s supervisor. The College authorizes the Human
Resources reserves the right to periodically review an Authorized Driver’s license
information to assess compliance with this Policy and Procedures.
- Compliance Monitoring - Department supervisors shall ensure that each of their Authorized
Drivers meet the policy requirements and are properly authorized to operate College
vehicles. The employee’s supervisor shall de-authorize any driver until at such time,
they can be considered for reauthorization through this policy.
- Vehicle Maintenance - Department supervisors are responsible for all vehicles receiving
periodic maintenance and service as recommended by the manufacturer. Records of all
maintenance and repair must be maintained and recorded on the Vehicle Log.
- Vehicle Safety Checks - Department supervisors shall confirm that each driver has
reasonable knowledge
to perform required periodic safety checks.
VIII. Student Passengers
Students are authorized to be a passenger in a College Vehicle only when there is
a legitimate business or educational need. Students, student employees, and volunteers
are not Authorized Drivers.
Some examples of non-authorized passengers include,
- Spouses or significant others
- Family members
- Pets
- Any passenger not on official College business
This section shall not be construed to prohibit the use or occupancy of a College
Vehicle when rendering emergency aid or assistance to any person, or the use or occupancy
by private sector mechanics or repair personnel while performing required maintenance
or repairs.
Only Public Safety Officers, Lieutenants, and the Chief of Public Safety are authorized
to operate College patrol vehicles. The Chief of Public Safety may authorize non-Public
Safety employees to operate a patrol vehicle for
maintenance or special assignments, subject to driver qualification requirements under
paragraph IV.
IX. Vehicle Responsibilities for Authorized Drivers
1. Vehicle Inspection - Before operating the College vehicle, the Authorized Driver must confirm the critical
equipment and operating features are functioning properly. If a vehicle displays a
warning light or alarm, the Authorized Driver should immediately report this to their
supervisor and the vehicle should be taken out of service until the problem can be
identified and repaired, or it can be determined if the vehicle is safe to drive to
a location where repairs can be made. Any other feature that renders a College vehicle
unsafe to operate shall also be reported by the Authorized Driver to their supervisor.
If an Authorized Driver is uncertain how to check critical equipment, they should
contact the appropriate person for training. Supervisors shall be responsible to arrange
for further inspection/evaluation and vehicle clearance.
2. Vehicle Fueling, Regular Maintenance and Repairs
- Unless approved for use of a College-issued gas card, fueling of a College vehicle
shall be at the Authorized Driver’s expense, and reimbursement may be requested via
the College’s reimbursement process.
- Even if not refueling, the odometer beginning and ending mileage must be logged by
the operator on the appropriate log.
- Regular maintenance and repairs – The department supervisor shall arrange for qualified
repair and maintenance service for College vehicles. Each vehicle shall have its own
log (see applicable forms section of this document) that shall be completed by the
person having service done on the vehicle. A copy of the receipt is to be given to
the supervisor at the end of the day of purchase.
3. Secure Cargo and Personal Items - Authorized Drivers must ensure the safe transport of materials and goods by securely
fastening all loads, regardless of weight or height, to prevent rolling, pitching,
shifting or falling. Tailgates are to be secured in an upright position before the
vehicle or trailer is moving, except when the load exceeds the length of the bed of
the vehicle.
A red flag must be affixed to the end of any load that extends beyond the end of the
vehicle or if a load extends beyond the width of the vehicle. Extended or wide loads
should never be transported during periods of darkness or limited visibility. Loads
of loose materials such as sand, gravel, or trash should always be covered by a tarp
or transported in an enclosed truck bed.
4. Vehicle Load - The Authorized Driver is responsible to ensure the College vehicle is not loaded
beyond the rated capacity (weight and/or number of passengers), and that every passenger
has a place where a seatbelt is available and utilized.
X. Transportation for Field Trips
- Students are to provide their own transportation to and from field trip sites whenever
possible. If the College is providing transportation for the field trip within the
scope of the student’s OCC educational activities, instructors are required to have
each student complete a Trip Liability Waiver (Form OCC 108). These forms should be
kept by the instructor for three (3) years.
- Commercial Transportation - contact the appropriate Dean or department supervisor
to arrange for buses.
XI. Rental Vehicles
Any rental must be pre-approved by the Purchasing Department. If the rental of a vehicle
is authorized by the College for use to conduct College business or for any other
College purpose, the rental agreement must be in the name of the College, or the College
must at least be named as one of the parties on the agreement. The collision/physical
damage waiver offered by the rental company should always be purchased. The waiver
should release the renter from all responsibility to pay for physical damage to rented
vehicle with no deductible. It is not necessary to purchase additional liability insurance.
XII. Permitted Uses for College Vehicles
“College Vehicle” may only be operated by an “Authorized Driver” in support of official
“College” business. “College Vehicles” are not to be used for personal use.
XIII. Procedure to Request Use of a College Vehicle
Employees seeking to use a College vehicle for authorized transportation shall contact
one of the following and complete the Application to Become an Authorized Driver (Form
HR 46):
- Athletic Director’s Office (athletic use)
- Academic Dean of EMIT
- Academic Dean of Public Services and Director of Law Enforcement Training (CREST)
- Chief of Campus Facility Operations (maintenance or buildings/grounds use)
- Chief of Public Safety
Vehicle use is subject to availability.
XIV. Use of Personal Vehicle for College Business
- Liability Insurance – If an accident occurs while a personal vehicle is being used
for official College business, the authorized driver’s auto liability coverage is
considered the primary coverage, not dependent upon fault.
- Vehicle Physical Damage Insurance – The College provides no coverage for, and is not
responsible for damage to a personal vehicle, even when the personal vehicle is used
for official College business or other College purpose.
XV. Violation of Policy/Procedure
Any driver who drives a College vehicle without being an authorized driver, or who
continues to drive a College vehicle after being informed their authorization to drive
has been suspended or revoked, will be subject to corrective action under the applicable
College policies and disciplinary procedures.
Change Log
- 02-21-2017 Effective date
- 04-28-2022 Revised; supersedes Policy 3.3.4, College Owned Vehicles