NC-State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA)

  • Policy Type: Distance Education
  • Policy Title: NC-State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA)
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Academic Affairs
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Policy Statement

OCC is committed to meeting the criteria for state involvement to be a member of NC-SARA, a regional state authorization reciprocity arrangement.


The Dean of Distance Education submits an annual application to maintain membership.


SARA Application

Change Log

  • 04-24-19  Policy created by Dean of Distance Education
  • 04-24-19  Approved by Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  • 06-23-23  Approved by College Academic Senate

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