Employment Practices

  • Policy Type: Human Resources
  • Policy Title: Employment Practices
  • Policy Number: 2.2.2
  • Office Responsible: Human Resources
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Policy Statement

A. Eligibility for Employment
Eligibility for employment shall be determined on the basis of fulfillment of qualifications for the position as set forth in the Job Description on file in the Personnel Office and/or in accordance with the terms of negotiated collective bargaining agreements in force where applicable.
Approved: 02-17-77

Full time regular and enterprise employees may be employed as adjunct faculty subject to the normal selection process and subject to limitations provided in the Faculty Master Agreement. No other employee shall be employed in more than one category of employment at any one time, nor shall employees be employed in more than one job within a category at the same time. Exceptions to this policy may be authorized by the appropriate Campus President, Executive Director, Vice Chancellor, or Chancellor in consultation with the Human Resources Department. Current employees must comply with this policy no later than 9-1-93.
Approved: 07-29-93

B. Medical Examinations
All potential full-time employees of the College will be required to have a medical examination by a College appointed physician together with all inoculations and tests required by law after an offer has been made but before beginning employment.

The College will pay the cost of the examination. The College may require an examination of any employee by a College-appointed doctor whenever a question of fitness may arise. The results of such examinations shall be recorded on a form furnished by the Human Resources Office and kept in a file separate from other personnel files regarding an employee.
Approved: 11-20-80

C. Employment of Minors
Children under the age of sixteen will not be considered for employment by the College.
Approved: 02-17-77

D. Employment of Relative (Nepotism)
Oakland Community College will allow employment of spouses or relatives* in the same department or administrative unit provided that neither spouse nor relative directly determines or may effectively recommend the appointment, retention, work assignment, promotion, demotion, compensation, discipline, or working conditions of the person, or immediately supervises the person to whom he/she is related by blood or marriage.*

*The terms spouse, relatives and related by blood or marriage are hereby defined as: Current Spouse, Mother, Father, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Grandparents, Grandchildren, Mother-in-law, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law, Stepmother, Stepfather, Stepchild or any other relative living in the immediate household.

Revised: 06-21-11

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