Obligations of Employees

  • Policy Type: Human Resources
  • Policy Title: Obligations of Employees
  • Policy Number: 2.2.3
  • Office Responsible: Human Resources
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Policy Statement

A. Professional Services
It shall be the duty of all employees of the College to so conduct themselves in the discharge of their duties as to reflect credit upon and to further promote the interests of the College.

B. Representing the College
Any Officer or employee may be appointed in writing as a delegate by the Board of Trustees or the Chancellor to represent the College on appropriate occasions, but no such delegate may commit the College to doctrine, policy or action without first obtaining the approval of the Board of Trustees through the Chancellor. Approved: 2-17-77

C. Credentials
It is the responsibility of all employees to provide the Human Resources Office with their credentials and other documents in order to insure complete employment records. The Human Resources Office will be the official depository for such files. All employees may review their own personnel files upon request; privileged information such as references and confidential credentials from other institutions and/or employers normally collected prior to employment, shall be specifically exempt from such reviews.

D. Conflicts of Interest
No Officer or employee shall be a party to or have substantial interest, financial or otherwise, whether directly or indirectly, in any contract (excluding their employment agreements) with the College. Nor shall any Officer or employee, directly or indirectly, solicit any contract or services between the College and any party or entity of which they, or members of their immediate families, are owners, partners, members, employees or have any substantial interest, financial or otherwise.

No Officer or employee shall place themselves in positions or situations, or otherwise incur an obligation of any nature, which shall preclude them from performing their duties and responsibilities in the best interests of the College.

It shall be the strict obligation of all Officers and employees of the College to disclose to the Chancellor through their immediate supervisors, and the Chancellor to the Board of Trustees, any personal interests or involvement which may be the subject matter of a potential conflict of interest under the terms of this policy. 

No member of the faculty, either part-time or full-time shall, for pay, give private instruction in any course offered by the College without approval of the Chancellor or designee.
Approved: 11-20-80

No employee shall have direct dealing with students in the sale of private tutorial services, books, instruments, lectures, notes or similar materials without written approval from the Chancellor.
Approved: 07-01-77

E. Solicitation or Acceptance of Funds or Gifts
No Officer or employee may accept, directly or indirectly, for him/herself or for any relative or friend any gift or favor, other than one involving no more than an ordinary social amenity, from an organization with which the College does business or that seeks to do business with the College.

Solicitation of funds or gifts for the benefit of the College, or any College group or organization, by Officers or employees shall be made only with the consent of the Chancellor. No Officer or employee may solicit, directly or indirectly, for oneself or for the benefit of any relative or friend any gift or favor from an organization with which the College does business or that seeks to do business with the College.

Solicitation of funds or gifts from College employees, or by College employees for personal gain or for any outside group, shall not be permitted on College owned or operated property.

Solicitation of funds or gifts for the benefit of a group or organization external to the College shall be made only with the consent of the Chancellor.

F. Mandatory Training
All full-time employees of the College will be required to participate in any staff development activity that the Chancellor deems to be in the best interest of the employees and the institution. The Chancellor shall approve appropriate staff development activities. These will include but are not limited to:

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Workplace Violence
  • Customer Services
  • Orientation for New Employees
  • Diversity (will be incorporated into ALL areas of training)

Change Log

  • 08-16-99  Approved
  • 06-21-11  Revised

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