Regular Employees

  • Policy Type: Human Resources
  • Policy Title: Regular Employees
  • Policy Number: 2.1.2
  • Office Responsible: Human Resources
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Policy Statement

  1. Administrators
    The term "administrators" shall include, in addition to the Officers of the College, all  personnel who perform executive duties in the management processes of the College.

  2. Faculty
    The term "faculty" shall include all full-time members of the faculty as defined in the  Faculty Master Agreement between the College and the Oakland Community College  Faculty Association.

  3. Management Staff
    The term "Management staff" shall include all persons who fulfill either confidential  and/or supervisory functions or who assist Officers and/or administrators of the College.

  4. Operating Engineers
    The term "operating engineers" shall include all personnel who are organized under  the Operating Engineers Master Agreement and who have the responsibility for  supervising maintenance personnel.

  5. Maintenance Personnel
    The term "maintenance personnel" shall include all personnel who are organized under  the Maintenance Master Agreement and who have the responsibility for maintaining  physical facilities at all properties owned and/or operated by the College.

  6. Public Safety Personnel
    The term "public safety personnel" shall include all personnel who are organized under  the Public Safety Master Agreement and who have the responsibility for maintaining  public safety at all properties owned and/or operated by the College.

  7. Classified Personnel
    The term "classified personnel" shall include all personnel who are organized under  the Classified Master Agreement and who have the responsibility for performing  clerical duties assigned to their jobs by the College.

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