
  • Policy Type: Human Resources
  • Policy Title: Searches
  • Policy Number: 0.0.8
  • Office Responsible: Human Resources, Public Safety
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Policy Statement

As a part of a criminal investigation process and pursuant to Public Safety General Order #91-19 (Searching of Offices on Campus), Oakland Community College reserves the right to conduct searches and inspections which comport with all constitutional, federal, state and local laws. Such searches may include employees, students, or others, their person, personal effects, or College-provided material. This includes, but is not limited to, lunch pails, boxes, thermoses, purses, lockers, desks, personal computer files, cabinets, file drawers, packages, or vehicles.

Any illegal and/or unauthorized articles discovered may be taken into custody and may be turned over to law enforcement representatives. Any individual who refuses to submit to a search, or who is found in possession of prohibited articles will be subject to disciplinary action, if appropriate, which may include, but is not limited to, student suspension or dismissal, suspension and/or termination of any business relationship, reassignment of job duties, suspension or termination of employment, arrest and prosecution.

Subject to the Freedom of Information Act as well as all other federal, state and local laws, information or articles discovered resulting from the search will be kept confidential on a need to know basis. 

Change Log

  • 11-18-96  Initial Approval

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