Accessibility of Materials

  • Policy Type: Learning Resources
  • Policy Title: Accessibility of Materials 
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Disability Services
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: ADA (Sections 504 and 508)
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Policy Statement

The College promotes collaboration between departments and disciplines to provide appropriate and reasonable accessibility to instructional material, information, and activities.


Classroom The ACCESS Office works with academic departments and instructors to assist with accessibility compliance for audio, visual, media, and technical class materials.

Out-of-Classroom The ACCESS Office works with Academic Technologies, Marketing & Community Relations, and academic departments to promote appropriate accessibility of material posted to the public college website, the Infomart site, and the educational management system.

Testing  The ACCESS Office assists with student-initiated reasonable testing accommodation arrangements.

ACCESS Tutoring  If the ACCESS Office determines that a qualified student is a good candidate for academic tutoring that goes beyond general tutoring services at the college, a 1:1 weekly tutor may be assigned as a service, pending availability. Academic Support Center

Change Log

  • 01-17-18  Policy created by ACCESS
  • 02-04-19  Revision to resource section by ACCESS
  • 04-25-19  Recommended by Academic Senate 
  • 04-25-19  Approved by Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  • 02-16-24  Reviewed and recommend by SASC
  • 02-22-24  Recommended by Academic Senate

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