Personal Care Assistant (PCA)

  • ProcedureType: Learning Resources
  • Procedure Title: Personal Care Assistant (PCA)
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: ACCESS 
  • Related Policies: ACCESS Learning Resources
  • Related Procedures: NA
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended in 2008; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Policy Statement | Oakland Community College welcomes personal care assistants (PCAs) and will make every reasonable effort to accommodate students with disabilities who are otherwise qualified to attend college as defined by the ADA. OCC fully recognizes that PCAs may be necessary to address the personal needs of a student with a disability so that he/she can fully participate in the College’s activities, services and programs.

Scope | PCAs will be permitted to assist qualified students with disabilities following an individualized assessment, in consultation with ACCESS and a specific determination that a PCA is needed to assure equal access and to ensure that the student is not denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in a post-secondary education program.

Following an individualized assessment performed by persons with appropriate knowledge and expertise, PCAs need not be permitted if the use of such as assistant would result in a fundamental alteration of the class or if the student is not otherwise qualified to be a student in the class.

A PCA for a student with a disability is hired by the student, the family or an outside agency to assist the student with non-academic issues. PCAs are approved through ACCESS, but are not the responsibility of or monitored by ACCESS. It is in the student’s best interests to have an impartial PCA who is not a family member or close friend. However, OCC recognizes that a family member or friend may be called upon, if approved by ACCESS, to perform this service. PCAs approved through ACCESS may be called upon to perform one or more of the following duties:

  • Carry or hold books, materials or personal items for the student.
  • Assist with manual tasks such as turning pages, taking on and off coats, and opening doors.
  • Manipulate books, materials or personal items for the student.
  • Help the student move around the environment.
  • Help the student transfer from a wheelchair to a chair.
  • Reposition a student in a wheelchair or chair.
  • Address other student needs as they may arise, as long as they do not violate the policies and expectations outlined below. 

PCAs are expected to:

  • Follow and abide by all OCC regulations including, but not limited to, standards and expectations outlined in the OCC Student Handbook pertaining to the Student Code of Conduct and possible consequences for violation of the Student Code of Conduct. This Handbook can be reviewed.
  • Conduct him/herself in a courteous and professional manner while on campus and in the classroom. 
  • Allow the student to take responsibility for his/her own academic assignments, academic progress, and behavior.
  • Refrain from working on or completing any of the student’s academic assignments.
  • Not engage in disruptive or distracting behavior. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to, conversing with the student, personal use of electronic devices, eating, reading, etc. 
  • Refrain from contact with or asking questions of faculty, staff or others on behalf of the student.
  • Refrain from discussing any confidential information about the student receiving assistance or any other student with faculty, staff or students, in or outside of class.
  • Refrain from participating in the class.
  • Refrain from participating in the testing or assessment process.
  • Refrain from carrying on conversations with the student or other students during class.
  • Not photographing or recording any classroom activity.
  • Sign a Personal Care Assistant Agreement and return it to ACCESS each academic semester. Forms are available at (Individual); (Agency). 

Policy Concerning Absences

All instructors must be advised if a PCA will not be accompanying a student on any specific day. Students are responsible for notifying their instructor when a PCA will be absent.

Change Log

  • 02-14-20  Effective date

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