Excused Absence Policy for OCC Student Athletes

  • Policy Type: Student Development Services 
  • Policy Title: Excused Absence Policy for OCC Student Athletes
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Athletics
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: Excused Absence Procedure for OCC Student Athletes
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Participants in Oakland Community College (OCC) intercollegiate athletic programs are bound to the same standard of academic excellence expected of all OCC students. Because the pursuit of both academic and athletic excellence are time-intensive activities, it is inevitable that student-athletes will face conflicts between their classes and athletic schedules, particularly when an OCC Athletic team qualifies for post season play or tournaments.

The purpose of this policy is to set forth principles and procedures aimed at reducing conflicts, negotiating conflicts that remain unavoidable, and ensuring the integrity of the academic process as well as the fair treatment of student athletes. OCC is committed to provide the environment and support necessary for student athletes to establish and realize high levels of academic and athletic success.

Student Responsibilities

  1. Eligibility - It is the responsibility of each student-athlete to maintain good academic standing. Each student-athlete must meet the eligibility requirements established by the NJCAA; this includes making satisfactory progress in classes and maintaining full-time enrollment (12 credit hours) during each semester they are in season throughout the academic year. Failure to meet these requirements may result in suspension/expulsion from the athletic program. Student athletes with a documented disability are encouraged to connect with the ACCESS Department.

  2. Regular Class Attendance - Regular class attendance is expected of all students. Students who participate in intercollegiate athletics should not miss class, seminars, or labs for practice.

  3. Students should take their schedule of athletic events into account when planning class schedules, and must consult with their academic counselor and coaches. Student-athletes should make every effort to minimize conflicts with academic activities (e.g. clinicals, labs, field trips, etc.).

  4. Authorized absences for scheduled athletic competitions and related travel do not relieve student-athletes of their class responsibilities. Student-athletes are responsible for any course material covered and any assignment(s) missed.
  5. If a team is participating in post season and/or tournament play, the student-athlete is responsible for notifying their instructors, as well as arranging alternative exam times or alternative deadline dates for final projects. In cases where instructors are not able to administer final exams before or after team travels, Academic Support Center staff may proctor the exam. The student-athlete is responsible for coordinating and scheduling the alternative proctoring.

Coach Responsibilities

  1. Coaches should make every effort to schedule practices to avoid conflict with classes and should collect their student-athlete’s academic schedules in an effort to coordinate team activities and minimize conflicts.

  2. Coaches should avoid last -minute scheduling changes whenever possible.

Faculty Responsibilities

  1. Faculty should provide a complete description of scheduling requirements (syllabus) during the first week of classes. It is recommended that Faculty should work with student-athletes enrolled in their classes to avoid any scheduling conflicts.

  2. Unless it can be shown that a make-up opportunity would unreasonably interfere with the delivery of the course, assignments and testing, it is recommended that Faculty not penalize student-athletes due to athletic events and post season play. Likewise, a Faculty member should not excuse a student-athlete in the event of an unauthorized absence. 

Change Log

  •   06-22-23  Established