Excused Absence Procedure for OCC Student Athletes

  • Procedure Type: Student Development Services 
  • Procedure Title: Excused Absence Procedure for OCC Student Athletes
  • Policy Number: NA
  • Office Responsible: Athletics
  • Related Policies: NA
  • Related Procedures: Excused Absence Policy for OCC Students
  • Related Laws: NA
  • HLC Criterion: NA

Procedures Throughout the Academic Year

  1. At the start of each semester, student-athletes are responsible for notifying their instructors of official games and/or competitions that conflict with the class times via the Athletic Release Form. Student-athletes are responsible for making up missed work in an agreed upon timeframe with the instructor. 

    1. Instructors must be notified of all post-season play and/or tournaments that conflict with class assignments, tests or exams, as soon as these dates are available via an additional Athletic Release Form.

  2. Should a disagreement arise between the student-athlete and their instructor concerning class assignments, tests or exams, the student should contact the Athletic Director to assist in resolving the conflict.

  3. If the conflict cannot be resolved with the assistance of the Athletic Director, the student athlete and the Athletic Director should contact the Department Chair or Academic Dean for that discipline.

  4. If the student-athlete has a reason to question equitable implementation of a timely request to reschedule class assignment, tests or exams, the student-athlete should contact the Department Chair or Academic Dean for that discipline.

  5. If the scheduling conflict cannot be resolved by either the Department Chair or Academic Dean, the scheduling conflict may be appealed to the Provost, who shall determine the final resolution.

Change Log

  •   06-22-23  Established