Policy & Procedures for Students Experiencing Pregnancy, Parenting, and Related Conditions
Pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, OCC does not discriminate against any student, or exclude any student from its education program or activity on the basis of a student’s pregnancy, child birth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery program unless a student reports voluntarily requests to participate in a separate portion of the program or activity. Title IX Policy and Procedures.
As noted above, any student experiencing pregnancy, or a pregnancy related condition, can reach out to the Title IX Coordinator for support and/or accommodations. If a student reports a pregnancy or pregnancy related condition to a faculty or staff member, the student must be informed of the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information. The staff or faculty member should ask the student if they would like the Title IX Office to be notified. If the answer is yes, the faculty or staff member must notify the Title IX Office. If notified, the Title IX Office will reach out to the student and provide appropriate resources.
Carmen White, Director of Employee and Labor Relations /Title IX Coordinator
Human Resources
p: (248) 341-2036 c: (248) 296-2848
Lisa Wilson, Human Resources Coordinator/Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Human Resources
p: (248) 341-2025
For students: ACCESS Office & Disability Services for students
p: (248) 341-2380
And the Dean of Academic Support Services, Bethany Kennedy
p: (248) 522-3466
If a student experiencing pregnancy or pregnancy related conditions needs academic support, including but not limited to, a larger desk, parking help, rescheduling of exams, faculty/staff and/or Title IX Coordinator will assist to help make the student’s educational environment accommodating.
Pregnancy and/or pregnancy related conditions can sometimes impact attendance and coursework completion. Pregnant students have the right to pregnancy related absences and medical appointments should be allowed as excused absences. A student cannot be penalized for pregnancy and/or pregnancy related conditions. For example, if a faculty member provides “points” for class attendance, the pregnant student must be given the opportunity to earn back the credits from the classes they missed due to pregnancy and/or pregnancy related conditions.
The Office of Civil Rights has outlined several requirements for pregnancy and pregnancy related conditions, which may include, but not be limited to, the following examples:
OCC is committed to keeping student information private. Information concerning pregnancy and/or pregnant related conditions will only be shared on a “needs-to-know” basis or if there is a legitimate need to know. Information regarding pregnant students’ requests for accommodations will only be shared with faculty and staff to the extent necessary to provide reasonable adjustments or modifications. See FERPA.
To report a concern about discrimination or harassment based on pregnancy or related conditions, contact the Title IX Coordinator.
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