Library Services and Technology

Library Services and Technology

Share the knowledge and become a library technician!

Libraries are an essential resource in our communities; connecting people with ideas and information, strengthening skills and relationships, and fostering freedom for all to read and pursue lifelong learning. 
OCC has the only library associate degree program in Michigan. In this program, you will gain the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to become library technicians or similar positions. 

What you’ll do as a Library Technician

Library Technicians perform a wide variety of jobs in the library setting. Duties could include: 
• Helping patrons engage with library resources and services 
• Providing assistance with library technology 
• Obtaining materials through inter-library loan and document delivery 
• Assisting librarians with acquiring new materials and maintaining the library catalog 
• Maintaining shelves and displays 
• Repairing books and other materials

Opportunities for Library Technicians are wide-ranging

Most library technicians need a postsecondary certificate or an associate’s degree. Further education will open the door to higher positions in libraries. 

Job Market Outlook

All of the textbooks for the Library Services and Technology courses can be accessed online for free through the OCC Libraries. You do not need to purchase textbooks unless you prefer to use a print copy.
Did you know?

Continue your education for more opportunities

If you want to become a librarian, you will likely need to earn a master of library science degree.

OCC has a wide range of transfer agreements to help you complete your bachelor’s degree and beyond. 
OCC also has a transfer agreement with the University of Maine – Augusta, one of only a handful of bachelor’s programs in library science. 

Learn from anywhere

This program is offered fully online.

We offer both an associate in applied science and a certificate of achievement in Library Technical Services. 
The associate’s degree is best for you if you want to work as a library technician, and/or you plan to pursue a bachelor’s or even master's degree down the line. Having a degree can also qualify you to advance into further leadership positions within a library. 
The certificate of achievement program is best for you if you already have a college degree, are already working in a library and want to advance your career, or if you are still exploring your career goals. All credits for the certificate of achievement can be applied to the associate’s degree.

Degree Program Plan

Certificate of Achievement Program Plan

Get Started Now!

Ready to begin your studies? Get started now:

  • Apply to OCC. If you’re not already an OCC student, create a profile and complete our online application.
  • On the application select the degree program ‘Library Services & Tech’.
  • Existing OCC students can update their academic program using the Change of Program Form