Emergency Protocols

Active Shooter/Assailant

Remember during an active shooting to RUN. HIDE. FIGHT.

RUN and escape if possible.

  • Getting away from the shooter or shooters is the top priority.
  • Leave your belongings behind and get away.
  • Help others escape, if possible, but evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
  • Warn and prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
  • Call 9-1-1 when you are safe and describe the shooter, location and weapons.

HIDE if escape is not possible.

  • Get out of the shooter’s view and stay very quiet.
  • Silence all electronic devices and make sure they won’t vibrate.
  • Lock and block doors, close blinds and turn off lights.
  • Don’t hide in groups. Spread out along walls or hide separately to make it more difficult for the shooter.
  • Try to communicate with police silently. Use text message or social media to tag your location or put a sign in a window.
  • Stay in place until law enforcement gives you the all clear.
  • Your hiding place should be out of the shooter's view and provide protection if shots are fired in your direction.

FIGHT as an absolute last resort.

  • Commit to your actions and act as aggressively as possible against the shooter.
  • Recruit others to ambush the shooter with makeshift weapons like chairs, fire extinguishers, scissors, books, etc.
  • Be prepared to cause severe or lethal injury to the shooter.
  • Throw items and improvise weapons to distract and disarm the shooter.

Run, Hide, Fight video

Echoes of Columbine video

Fire Safety

  • Activate building fire alarm and/or call 911
  • Evacuate building, closing all doors
  • Do not use elevators
  • Assist the disabled to get outside
  • Move at least 300-ft. away from the building
  • Proceed to a designated rally point
  • Keep roads and drives clear
  • Remain outside until the “All Clear” is given by Public Safety
  • Do not re-enter the building/area until instructed by Public Safety or a Building Marshal
  • If you are caught in smoke, drop to your hands and knees and crawl. Hold your breath as much as possible. Breathe shallowly through your nose and use a blouse, shirt or jacket as a filter. If you are forced to advance through flames, hold your breath. Move quickly. Cover your head and hair. Keep your head down and eyes closed as much as possible. If your clothing catches fire: STOP...DROP...ROLL

Severe Weather

  • If you are indoors when the alarm sounds and you are informed it is a weather emergency, proceed immediately to the nearest tornado shelter area.
  • Go to designated weather shelter - these areas are clearly marked with the words “Tornado Shelter”.
  • If unable to locate a designated shelter, go to the lowest most fortified (cement) indoor location.
  • Remain in the shelter area until notified by Public Safety or a Building Marshal that it is safe to leave


  • Under sturdy furniture, such as desks/tables
  • Against outside walls or in doorways
  • Away from glass windows
  • If you are outdoors and you hear the tornado warning siren (a single, steady, three-minute tone), seek shelter immediately
  • If you are outdoors and a tornado is approaching, find the lowest ground available, such as a ditch or culvert, and lay as low as possible.

Emergency Response Plan College Closing 

The safety of the college community is our foremost concern. We’ve brought together this collection of emergency procedures and educational opportunities for the safety of our students, employees, and college visitors.

Below are some of the sites that the government has developed to inform the public about threat levels, responses, and personal safety:

Emergency Response & Evacuation Testing

Exercise Description Date Time Announced/Unannounced
Fire Drill (All Campuses) 09/04/24 1:00PM Announced
Fire Drill (All Campuses) 05/10/24 12:30PM Announced
Tornado Drill (All Campuses) 03/20/24 12:30PM Announced
Fire Drill (All Campuses) 09/13/23 12:00PM Announced
Fire Drill (All Campuses) 04/21/23 1:00PM Announced
Tornado Drill (All Campuses) 03/22/23 1:00PM Announced
Fire Drill (All Campuses) 09/07/22 11:00AM Announced
Tornado Drill (All Campuses) 03/23/22 1:00PM Announced
Fire Drill (Auburn Hills) 09/03/21 11:00AM Announced
Fire Drill (Highland Lakes) 09/03/21 11:00AM Announced
Fire Drill (Orchard Ridge) 09/03/21 11:00AM Announced
Fire Drill (Royal Oak) 09/03/21 11:00AM Announced
Fire Drill (Southfield) 09/03/21 11:00AM Announced
Fire Drill (District Office) 09/03/21 9:00AM Announced
Fire Drill (All Campuses) 04/30/21 1:00PM Announced
Tornado Drill (All Campuses) 03/24/21 1:00PM Announced
Fire Drill (District Office) 9/18/20 3:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Southfield Campus) 9/18/20 3:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Royal Oak Campus) 9/18/20 3:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Orchard Ridge Campus) 9/18/20 3:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Highland Lakes Campus) 9/18/20 3:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Auburn Hills Campus) 9/18/20 12:00 PM Announced
Stop the Bleed Training ( Highland Lakes Campus) 10/4/19 11:00 AM Announced
Stop the Bleed Training (Auburn Hills Campus) 9/26/19 2:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Royal Oak Campus) 9/20/19 9:00 AM Announced
Fire Drill (District Office) 9/20/19 11:30 AM Announced
Fire Drill (Auburn Hills Campus) 9/20/19 1:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Highland Lakes Campus) 9/20/19 1:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Orchard Ridge Campus) 9/20/19 1:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Southfield Campus) 9/20/19 1:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Royal Oak Campus) 4/26/19 3:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Auburn Hills Campus 4/26/19 3:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Southfield Campus) 4/26/19 3:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Orchard Ridge Campus) 4/26/19 3:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Highland Lakes Campus) 4/19/19 7:30 AM Announced
Tornado Drill (College-wide) 3/27/19 1:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (College-wide) 10/26/18 9:00 AM Announced
Fire Drill (District Office) 6/22/18 10:00 AM Announced
Fire Drill (Auburn Hills Campus) 6/22/18 10:00 AM Announced
Fire Drill (Highland Lakes Campus) 6/21/18 7:00 AM Unannounced
Fire Drill (Southfield Campus) 6/15/18 1:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Royal Oak Campus) 6/15/18 1:00 PM Announced
Fire Drill (Orchard Ridge Campus) 6/15/18 9:00 AM Unannounced
Tornado Drill (College-wide) 4/11/18 1:00 PM Announced
Emergency Response, Alert System and Training Exercise 10/11/17 9:00 AM Announced
Fire Drill (College-wide) 9/18/17 10:00 AM Announced
Fire Drill (Auburn Hills Campus) 7/5/17 1:00 PM Unannounced
Fire Drill (Orchard Ridge Campus) 6/22/17 10:25 AM Unannounced
Fire Drill (Highland Lakes Campus) 6/21/17 7:40 AM Unannounced
Fire Drill (Auburn Hills Campus) 6/20/17 7:00 PM Unannounced
Fire Drill (Royal Oak Campus) 6/15/17 11:00 AM Unannounced
Fire Drill (Southfield Campus) 6/15/17 1:00 PM Unannounced
Tornado Drill (College-wide) 4/19/17 1:00 PM Announced
Building Marshal Training (District Office) 2/24/17 10:00 AM Announced
Building Marshal Training (Auburn Hills Campus) 2/23/17 1:00 PM Announced
Building Marshal Training (Auburn Hills Campus) 2/21/17 10:00 AM Announced
Building Marshal Training (Orchard Ridge Campus) 2/9/17 2:00 PM Announced
Building Marshal Training (Southfield Campus) 2/8/17 10:00 AM Announced
Building Marshal Training (Orchard Ridge Campus) 2/7/17 10:00 AM Announced
Emergency Response & Evacuation Testing (Orchard Ridge Campus) 2/7/17 1:00 PM Announced
Building Marshal Training (Royal Oak Campus) 2/3/17 10:00 AM Announced
Building Marshal Training (Highland Lakes Campus) 2/2/17 2:00 PM Announced
Building Marshal Training (Highland Lakes Campus) 1/31/17 10:00 AM Announced
Emergency Response & Evacuation Testing (Highland Lakes Campus) 1/31/17 1:00 PM Announced
**To request prior to 2017 dates/times, please contact Public Safety at emailpublicsafety@oaklandcc.edu      

National Incident Management System Resolution Adopted

On April 17, 2006, the Oakland Community College Board of Trustees adopted a Resolution in support of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS is a consistent approach for all levels of government to effectively and efficiently work together to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from any emergency incident, regardless of cause, size, or complexity.

The OCC Department of Public Safety trains to this standard.

Campus Public Safety Office Locations

Auburn Hills Campus
G Building, Room G-101
2900 Featherstone Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2845
Phone: (248) 232-4599

Highland Lakes Campus
Woodland Hall, Room 268
7350 Cooley Lake Road
Waterford, MI 48327-4187
Phone: (248) 942-3399

Orchard Ridge Campus
J Building - Room J250
27055 Orchard Lake Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48334-4579
Phone: (248) 522-3999

Royal Oak Campus
B Building, Room B-107
739 S. Washington Street
Royal Oak, MI 48067-3898
Phone: (248) 246-2699

Southfield Campus
A Building, Room A-224
22322 Rutland Drive
Southfield, MI 48075-4793
Phone: (248) 233-2999