Peer Mentoring

Peer-Mentoring Program

We look forward to offering the Peer Mentor Program each winter semester.  

Look over the program to see if it fits your needs.  If so, look at the Mentor Information/Mentee Duties under related links.

The Peer Mentoring Program is designed to provide a connection for students in their transition to the Oakland Community College community by providing support and resources to increase their success and engagement within the Oakland Community College community.


  • Increase retention by alleviating isolation at Oakland Community College.
  • Increase student involvement and interaction at Oakland Community College.
  • Bridge the gap between students and Support Services at Oakland Community College.
  • Assist students with engagement into college life at Oakland Community College.


  • Provide assistance and direction to students participating in Promises Zones.
  • Introduce students to Oakland Community College campus resources.
  • Support and encourage students to maintain a good academic standing and participate in campus activities.
  • Encourage team building and leadership development among mentors.
  • Identify and implement specific networking activities among peer mentors and mentees.
  • Provide support and resources to help students adjust academically and socially to the campus community.


"My experience with the Peer Mentor program was great. It was nice to see people from different places and have made new friends. As mentor I learned a lot from the sessions and the assignments. I would be happy to join it next time, as well." - Peer Mentor, 2023

"The Peer Mentor Program taught me that no matter what age, gender, race, or status you are, it is always beneficial to learn from others. When you stop learning, you stop growing. This has been an eye-opening experience to realize that no one knows it all and each individual you encounter can teach you something. I will cherish this experience for the years ahead of me". - Peer Mentor, 2023

"I have found that each of my mentees needed something different. While one mentee may need to talk about school another may just want to have a conversation about something personal that's going on and that's ok.  The thing I found beneficial about this program is while you are helping the mentees it's keeping you on your feet. You are more aware of certain deadlines than ever and for me personally I check my reminders more often". - Peer Mentor, 2023

"My experience as a mentor for the winter 2023 semester has been a great learning experience! Not only did I learn things about my kind mentees, but I learned things about myself as well. We all faced different challenges throughout the semester, but through communication and sharing experiences, we were able to plan to overcome them". - Peer Mentor, 2023

"This was my first semester as a peer mentor. and it was a very enlightening experience! I was able to not only teach and guide my mentees but also learn from them. We held each other accountable, and it is a great opportunity to assist where each other may lack. I had the opportunity to give life advice and also share my experience from an educational standpoint. This mentorship and bond go beyond the program. I gained some amazing people that I can help support and be in their corner throughout life". -  Peer Mentor, 2023