Mentee Duties

Application is currently closed

Please check back in September 2025 for Winter 2026 Application. Thank you for your interest.

The mentee is the student who needs to absorb the mentor’s knowledge and have the ambition and desire to know what to do with this knowledge. As a student, the mentee needs to practice and demonstrate what has been learned.

Take the initiative in the relationship. Invite your mentor to meet with you, suggest topics to discuss, ask for what you need. Use email, phone, and time in person. Your mentor may not have all of the answers, but they will do their best to find answers.

Qualifications of a Mentee

  • Applications are open to all new students enrolled for winter 2025.
  • Must commit to being a mentee for the winter 2025 semester.

Expectations of Mentee

  • Communicate with your mentor through applicable channels (i.e. email, phone, in-person, etc.)
  • Set specific goals for the mentoring relationship with the mentor
  • Be professional and appropriate in requests to mentor (i.e. not asking for a tutoring/relationships)
  • Maintaining the minimum grade point average of 2.5
  • Attend the orientation
  • Attend campus (virtual and/or in-person) events with your mentor on a frequent basis
  • Participate in leadership training sessions
  • Maintain weekly contact with mentees and complete Activity Log (report electronically/D2L)
  • Comply with the College’s Student Code of Conduct
  • Mentor/mentee relationships should remain platonic
  • Provide feedback about your experience through pre- and post-surveys
  • Maintain confidentiality at all times, barring ethical or safety concerns
  • Notify Dean of Student Engagement of any issues during your time as a mentee

Benefits for Mentee

  • Grow in self-awareness and self-discipline.
  • Insight and knowledge of a “seasoned” Oakland Community College student leader.
  • Informed of resources provided by Student Services at Oakland Community College.
  • Mentee-feeling of belonging, academic/personal/ social resources and activities, enhanced awareness of campus and community resources and services, personal satisfaction, positive campus experience, higher level of confidence and self-esteem.
  • Institutional- increased retention and graduation rates of underrepresented students, increased student satisfaction, and more positive alumni.


The mentoring relationship should be based on trust and honesty. Information shared within the context of the relationship should be handled with discretion, and confidentiality should be honored in most situations. However, for the well-being of all involved parties, including the College, confidentiality cannot be offered in the following situations:

  • The mentor/mentee talks about suicide.
  • The mentor/mentee discusses intentions to harm another person.
  • The mentor/mentee discusses an incident of sexual misconduct/harassment that occurred at the College.

If you or your student have experienced an incident of sexual misconduct/harassment, please provide them with information on how to contact the Title IX Coordinator:  

Carmen White
Employee Relations Manager/Title IV Coordinator
Phone (248) 341-2036

If you or your student are in distress, please provide them with contact information for the Counseling Department at the appropriate campus.