Student Government

Student Government exists to promote student involvement in campus activities, assist and maintain order among student organizations, represent concerns brought forth by the student body, and encourage community outreach.

Student Government 2025/2026 ELECTION 

An election cycle will be held from March 17 – April 24, 2025, for the Executive Board of Oakland Community College’s Student Government   

Election Timeline and Candidate Selction Process 

Any enrolled student who meets eligibility requirements can apply to run for officer positions.   Please see the SG Constitution for requirements.

March 17-21 If you are interested in running for a Student Government Officer position, send an email to containing the following: 
  1. Your OCC student ID number.
  2. Full name as it should appear on the ballot.
  3. Position for which you are running. 
  4. One to two paragraphs about yourself and why you are running for the position (500-word maximum).
  5. High-resolution jpeg headshot. 
March 24 Applications will be reviewed by Advisor committee. Upon approval, candidates will be notified via e-mail to set up an interview. Watch your student email! 
March 26-27 Interviews
March 28 Candidates announced via email
March 31-April 14 Each candidate will be allowed to campaign for a period of 10 days. 
April 15 Debates*, if necessary
April 16-23 Elections!  No more than two candidates for each position will run for office in the final election. Elections shall be decided by the majority of the vote.  
April 24 Election results announced via email

*If more than one candidate runs for the same position (President and Vice-Presidential candidates only).

Current Student Government Officer Team for 2024/2025

  • President - Emily Fry
  • Vice President - Ayisha Sabahat
  • Secretary - Renata Perez Rosillo
  • Community Service Coordinator- Caroline Eagan
  • Public Relations Coordinator-Daniel Akintunde
  • Treasurer - Joshua Wellington
  • Student Government Liaison - Dominic Darbyshire
  • Events Coordinator - Oliver Harris

Your elected team invites your input to assist them in making 2024/2025 a successful year at Oakland Community College. They can be reached at

For more information, contact a Student Engagement Coordinator:

Winter 2025 Student Government Meetings

The below meetings will be held at the Auburn Hills campus from 11:30am - 12:30pm in the Student Center

  • January 17
  • January 31
  • February 14
  • March 7
  • March 21
  • April 18

If you have any questions contact Student Government 

Student Town Hall - November 12, 2024

Adam Owczarzak
 Student Government to City Administrator

“A lot is offered at OCC and, if you take advantage of the opportunities, a lot can be gained.”  Learn more…

Student Government College-wide Forms, Information, and Student Organization Handbook

SG Constitution (including Officer Duties). Contact the Student Engagement Coordinator for more information at your campus.
Student Organization Handbook

Reasons to Join

Manage and work with a team

StuGov's activities are team-oriented and require a group effort to achieve the team's vision.

Develop your leadership skills

Connect with students and hear about their needs at many College events. Student government is here for you! #EngageWithUs"

Build your resume

Joining OCC Student Government adds leadership, project management, and communication skills to your resume, setting you apart in any future opportunity!

Get involved with the community

  • In 2023, the OCC Student Government helped donate many items as well as financial support to Hope Shelter in the Pontiac Area
  • In 2023, OCC Student Government partnered with the Detroit Fire Department to help collect, wrap, and deliver toys to those in need in Detroit
  • In 2023, OCC hosted many fellowship events for the student body throughout the year. From Yates Cider Mill to Guitar Hero Party, Student Government offered many opportunities for students to engage with other students and Student Government representatives

Gain networking opportunities

Student government members collaborate with faculty, staff, and peers to build relationships with campus decision-makers.

Be a voice for the student body

  • Student Government meetings provide a platform for students to share ideas and address concerns, promoting a more inclusive campus environment.
  • As a member of student government, you can advocate for your peers' needs and interests, ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered in decision-making.

Commonly Asked Questions

How can I join?

You can join our General Meetings which are held biweekly on Fridays from 11:30am - 12:30pm at the OCC Auburn Hills campus.

How do I submit an interest to run/or an officer position? When are elections held?

  • Throughout the winter semester: Candidates must apply to run for office when applications open
  • March: Candidates must campaign
  • 3rd week of April: A debate (if needed) will be held followed by voting
  • End of April/May: New officers will be announced to the campus 

What does Student Government do? 

Student Government holds general and officer meetings where all students at OCC are welcome to bring their concerns or ideas to us. Then we collaborate with administration, other student orgs, and/or students to address those concerns or implement those ideas. We also support other student organizations on campus, plan campus events/activities, and organize community/charity projects in our surrounding community.

Here are some of the more specific tasks of our officers:

  • President: oversees Student Government, fills officer roles, plans events, leads meetings
  • Vice President: assists President, fills in when needed, participates in event planning
  • Secretaries: manages paperwork, produces meeting agendas, takes notes, posts minutes
  • Public Relations Coordinator: manages advertisement, promotes awareness, oversees Public Relations Committee
  • Outreach/Community Service Coordinator: ensures member involvement, arranges community service projects
  • Treasurer: manages organization's finances, works with executive board and advisors
  • Student Government Liaison: maintains communication with other clubs and organizations, serves as a point of contact 

Two students sitting at a student government table.

Student government student volunteering

Student government students working together at a computer

Student government students working together at a table

Student government holding up Talon banners

Student government students standing in front of a screen

Student government students holding a big check