Michigan Transfer Pathways
The MiTransfer Pathways consist of the most popular bachelor’s degree majors pursued by Michigan college students, guaranteeing that the identified OCC courses will be applied toward fulfilling major requirements at participating institutions. Each Pathway incorporates an associate degree and the Michigan Transfer Agreement, well positioning students for maximizing the applicability and utilization of coursework taken at OCC.
Pathways are roadmaps that are designed for students who know what major they would like to pursue even if they have not decided what institution they would like to transfer to. Pathways provide students with an opportunity to keep their options open as to the selection of the transferring institution.
The four year institution participating in the Pathways vary by program and consist of both private and public colleges and universities and may be found at the bottom of each Pathway Program Worksheet. Each participating four year institution also has a Pathway Program Worksheet that provide additional OCC courses that are applicable to specific requirements.