Training Programs

Businesses require people trained in the latest, high-demand skills. We have partnered with area employers, and local and state government, to develop comprehensive training programs. Each is designed to meet industry demand while offering you new career opportunities.  

Our short-term training programs are designed to provide all necessary training and experience in 14 weeks or less, preparing you for a career in a high-paying field such as healthcare, logistics/supply chain, manufacturing, and technology.  

Breia Roberts

Dream Job in Three Months

“It doesn’t matter what spot in life you’re in. Whether you have kids, went to college already, or you didn’t finish, take the opportunity while it is there and go for it!” 

Read Breia's Story

Industries & Training Programs 

We work continually with our employer partners to develop new and in-demand programs in different fields. We currently offer training programs in the following categories below. For details on program curriculum, training start dates, information session dates, click on the appropriate training program. Take the first steps towards starting your new career!

Allied Health

The pandemic significantly impacted the field of healthcare, which was already working to adapt from other recent socioeconomic trends, including the aging of the Baby Boomer generation.

Currently, we offer Certified Nursing Aide (CNA), Certified Nursing Aide (CNA)/Patient Care Technician (PCT), Mammography Technologist, Sterile Processing Technician training programs.

Logistics/Supply Chain

We live in an era of complicated logistics, with supply chain issues and other challenges affecting many businesses. Yet, supply chains and fulfillment companies are still delivering goods across the world in record volumes.

Currently, we offer Logistics Technician training program. 


News reports often focus on how many jobs have been lost due to automation and other trends in manufacturing and industrial environments. However, this workplace evolution has also created new opportunities.

Currently, we offer Apprenticeship, CNC Machine Operator, Electric Vehicle (EV) Technician, PLC and Robotic Technician, Pre-Apprenticeship training programs.


Jobs in the Information Technology field are in high-demand and opportunities continue to grow.

Currently, we offer Computer Support Technician training program.


Benefits of Participating

These training programs designed with you in mind and intended to help retrain the workforce. 


The training programs are designed to be low cost. We also work in partnership with Oakland County Michigan Works to provide funding to qualified individuals for most of the programs. Note: eligibility requirements apply.

Industry-Recognized Certifications

Each program offers a select number of industry-recognized certifications. Exams or tests maybe required to earn the credential. In some cases, you might be eligible to earn credit on your OCC transcript.

Short-term Commitment

The programs are designed to help get you retrained and start your path towards a new career quickly. After the training, you may choose to continue your education for higher-level employment. Some occupations are linked with other certificate and associate degree classes, as well as four-year institutions, allowing you to build long-term growth in your career.

Employment & Salary

We conduct research and work with our business and government partners to determine the most in-demand opportunities. 

OCC partners with several large, mid-size and small companies in the Metro Detroit area. Students are provided opportunities to connect with employers hiring. Many individuals become employed quickly after successfully completing the training program and earning certifications.

Each training program focuses on careers that offer good entry-level wages, helping you build the foundation for your future.

Employer Partnership Opportunities

If you're an employer interested in partnering with OCC to broaden your talent pool, we will work with you to create activities that suits your company's needs. Frequently scheduled activities include company tours, clinicals, guest speakers in the classroom, interviews on campus, and job shadowing. Learn more about the benefits, options available, and how to get involved. 


Start Your Someday Today!

If you're interested in a short-term training program, please complete the form below. An OCC representative will be in contact with you soon. 

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